Strangely enough, mystery-lovers aren’t much of a rare find. This boils down to the fact that human beings are intrinsically inquisitive by nature. And with the slew of mysterious events associated with India, there’s a well-known phrase that might just ring a bell- “It happens only in India”... and I can't agree more. There’s no denying that India indeed has some of the world's best-kept secrets that can easily compete with popular detective novels.
So while you are here to feed that curious side of you, let’s hop into some of the most fascinating real-life enigmas that can serve as wonderful plots to some stellar documentaries.

The Jodhpur Boom
Is it really what apocalypse might sound like?
December 8, 2012, wasn’t just another day. It was the day when citizens across the Rajasthani city of Jodhpur were convinced that the world is really about to end. And with the entire fuss about the year 2012 hosting the ‘Doomsday’ for us all, none of us knew back then that the end of the world theory would only find its spot in memes. Lakhs of people across the city heard an unexplained, deafening boom that resembled a massive explosion.

Several theories came to the surface- one being the breaking of the sound barrier by the Indian Air Force, and the other claimed the testing of a new plane. And the weirdest part? Many other unexplained booms, equally aggressive in nature, were reported from other parts of the world. And all of these booms were apparently accompanied by a green light. Until this date, none of us are aware if all these incidents are somehow related to each other.
The Red Rain Incident of Kerala
Roses are red. Guess what? Rains are too!
The ‘red’ rain does sound sinister by its name, and its unexpected occurrences are what startles us until this date. The districts of Kottayam and Idukki were recipients of this unique phenomenon, which happened sporadically between the months of July and September, in 2001. The rain, which appeared more like blood, was first preceded by a loud thunderclap and incessant lightning. Sudden disappearance and formation of wells were also reported during the same time. And as a pattern, these rainfalls only lasted for about 20 minutes.

Since then, many efforts have been made to unravel the mystery of the red rain. The most recent investigation suggests that the red coloured rain was caused by the spores of a European species of microalgae, which was only reported previously from Austria. But HOW? We don’t know, yet.
Gyanganj- the Land of the Immortals
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die. Or maybe, we don't really need to die.
As legends say, there's paradise right here on earth, hidden amid the snowcapped Himalayan mountains, inhabited by the immortal sages and hermits who are all above their sorrows and materialistic desires. No kidding, it’s not something I’ve just made up. There are stories that this place is camouflaged so well, that only a few enlightened yogis can reach there. Gyanganj is undiscoverable by satellites and there's no trace of it in Google Maps, ouch!

However, there are instructions to access this land of deathless souls in some ancient Buddhist texts. Hindu scriptures like ‘Mahabharata’ and ‘Ramayana’ also mention a place named ‘Siddhashram’, which is believed to be another name for Gyanganj. Renowned author James Hilton has published his novel, ‘Lost Horizon, about the lost kingdom of Shangri-La’, around the concept of Gyanganj. This sure is getting mind-boggling now!
Jatinga Village- Where Birds Fall Off!
Terror in the skies, like literally!
Over the past hundred years, numerous birds have flown to their death in the small tribal village of Jatinga, Assam. The mysterious suicide of migratory birds, namely the green pigeon, black drone and emerald doves, which periodically occur during the months of September and October, have caught eyeballs of people from all over the world.

Quite peculiarly, these incidents usually occur on dark moonless nights. Several theories have been proposed to validate these strange occurrences. Some people claim that birds are mysteriously attracted to the light of the village. As light happens to disorient birds, villagers use this as an opportunity to trick these birds and carry on mass killing. Others claim that these birds are being brought down by evil spirits. We aren’t sure of the reason behind the phenomenon yet, but if we are to witness something like this for real, we are sure to freak out!
The Twin Town of Kodinhi
Twice as nice, 'cause one doesn't seem to suffice!
Why would a modest settlement in the remote village of Kodinhi, Kerala gain worldwide attention? Well, because bizarrely, this town likes to play in pairs! The 'God's own country of twins', hosts around 2000 families, out of which, there are at least 400 pairs of twins. Researchers and scientists continue to conduct genetic studies to figure out a specific reason for this unique occurrence.

Biologically speaking, twins are usually born to older women, and most marriages in the village take place when women are barely 18 or 19 years of age. Also, compared to the western world, the occurrence of twins is rather a rare phenomenon in India. But this village seems to have set its own unique norm when it comes to delivering babies! Some doctors claim that it has something to do with the water or the diet of the villagers. However, despite multiple assumptions, there is a lack of scientific evidence.
These mysteries are certainly not the only ones
All these incidents and beliefs remain undecipherable. But if you are an overtly curious soul like me, you might as well want to dig the unknown and put your detective skills to test. But no matter what, one thing remains unchanged, the world is way more complicated than we could have ever imagined!