- Rangbhang homestay is located in Ranbhang village around 10 km from Mirik. It is half an hour downhill, tucked away 100 metres from the road with a red earth lane leading to the place.
- The hosts greeted us cheerfully and led us to one of the 4 rooms. Spic and span and while I was checking the balcony, my wife gave a deafening scream. I ran inside the washroom and saw my wife pointing to a colony of ants hanging from the geyser. I wasn't sure whether they were dead or enjoying their afternoon siesta.
- There was more surprises in store for us. A massive cob web was hanging from the roof of the balcony to the ground below. I bet it was the resident spiders bunjee jumping arena. I didn't dare to tell my wife about the latest discovery.
- While we were sitting in the garden watching the host Deepankar's mother peeling beans for one hour, my wife asked softly with tears in her eyes that what on earth are we doing here? The host's father sensed her dilemma and was fine with us shifting to another hotel. Anyway my wife agreed to spend a night here.
- I was enjoying the place with the beautiful garden flanked by orange trees on one side and surrounded by bright marigold flowers with majestic mountains as a backdrop. Later we sat around the bonfire with the hosts regaling us with very interesting stories. They were actually farmers and the produce from their farm was used in their cooking. Needless to say, the food was super fresh and sumptuous.
- Deepankar's parents lovingly took care of us, absolutely unpretentious and so content. It was a learning experience staying with them. Sometimes it feels so rejuvenating to do nothing and meet people whose notion of time is far vaguer than yours.
Also read: mokokchung