It is very rightly said that "Adventure may hurt you but monotony will kill you". And the best way to say goodbye to monotony is traveling. I love traveling and I also travel a lot. For that, I do not need someone's consent because I know what I want. I crave to explore the world around me and find myself even when I have my business to run and lots of responsibilities to look after. I do not give myself any excuses to say no to travel; rather I find a way out to do the same.
But this is also understood that many traveling could be a problem owing to their family responsibilities and job duties. Forget about traveling solo, some even become wary about group traveling or family trip. Many believe that travel is all about expenses and time that are impossible in today's fast-paced life, especially if you are in a 9 to 5 job.
Well, to be honest, there is no such thing as impossible. All you need is the passion inside you to travel with someone or alone. It is the urge to explore. And if you have that, then you will always find a way to do so.
Here are a few words of an experienced traveler 'that's me' highlighting how you can find time to travel.

To set your mind on a vacation you need to plan it beforehand. It may not work out according to the plan, but you will at least have a certain set of plans for a trip or vacation. Pre-planning gives you an idea of various things related to travel. If you plan to travel with your spouse, just sit with them and talk about your vacation. If it is a group trip you are planning then planning is very much necessary.
A meeting or a discussion helps a lot in putting actions to your plans. Moreover, if you plan a time and destination beforehand, you will have this urge continuing in your mind that you need to travel. Planning will give you the details on your upcoming vacations and holidays that you will receive from your work. All you need to do is mark the dates and plan accordingly.
Travelling Is Not Long Journeys

There is a common misconception that traveling means you have to go to a distant land, a foreign country. Absolutely NOT! Travelling is a pleasure of mind and soul and one can do that even in a local vacation at a nearby destination. Especially, people who have got tough work schedule, they can plan for a weekend vacation to a nearby place of interest. It does not mean you have to choose a great spot for your holidays.
Research on all the wonderful places you have near you. That way you can easily pack your bag and start for a two days trip without spending much. Plus you do not have to worry about missing your work duty.
Many think that travel involves a lot of costs. Actually it does only if you are not able to find the right trick. First, look for some hot deals by travel and tourism agencies. Take advantage of cheap flight deals and hotel discount deals. This way you can save a lot and can enjoy a great vacation without burning a hole into your pocket.

If I can travel as a married person and an entrepreneur, then you too can. Travelling is a blessing for us. The more you travel; the more you can learn about people, different culture, tradition, and lifestyle. And these can shape your life in many ways than you can ever imagine.
Looking for a travel blogger to collaborate your travel projects? Write to me at pankti@crazywanderer.com

Hey, this is Pankti, a zealous traveler and an enthusiastic entrepreneur who happens to love solo traveling and business is something that always triggers new life into me. Now my passion and interest have led to turn my profession, creating a business of my own- Crazy Wanderer that deals both in travel and lifestyle as well as digital marketing.