Travel can be an enlightening and eye-opening experience for children specially of all ages.

This pandemic has shaken the world, and especially the travel industry, to its core for the time being, it certainly feels like COVID-19 will be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. it is very likely that your travel habits will be forever changed when you are allowed to fly again freely.
When you travel there’s new foods, experiences and sights, not to mention quality family time. But traveling with children can also be an overwhelming proposition — unpredictable schedules, long packing lists and cranky kids are just a few of the challenges you may encounter along the way. But here we'll help you make traveling with kids a bit breeze.
For those of us with kids who had to cancel vacations and are anxiously waiting to board a plane again, here are some precautions to take for future travels.
After all, you and your children should enjoy every moment seeing the world and create a lifetime of memories along the way. Isn’t that the point of travel in the first place?
Preparing for Travel
Once you have decided that it is safe for you and your family to travel, you can start preparing yourselves to be as healthy and sanitized as possible. Air travel involves other travellers in terminals, security lines, lounges, and on airplanes, being prepared will be very important.
Explain and talk to Your Kids
They will be probably pretty excited to be traveling again. Many children probably have already heard of Coronavirus. It is the reason that they are all home from school but can’t play with their friends, after all! While they may be used to washing their hands more frequently and using hand sanitizer every time they leave the house, getting through an airport will present a new challenge for them. having them be extra vigilant about what they touch, how close they are standing to someone in line, and how often they need to be sanitizing, can be difficult to remember.

Rinse With Saline Spray
If you have young kids that are prone to ear infections, you are no stranger to the magic of saline spray. A couple of squirts up the nose can help keep your little ones stay free of mucus, which will keep them less susceptible to getting sick.
Eat Before You Get to the Airport and Pack Snacks
Making sure that your family is well-fed before you get to the airport .this will be avoiding extra interaction with airport workers who are often more exposed to germs than we are. If you are going to bring your own snacks, just be sure to pack sanitizing wipes and clean the surface you will be eating on at the airport. It is best to spray regularly for a week or 2 before your flight and then continue to do so during the trip in order to keep their little noses and throats clear.
Eat Healthily
Best ways to avoid getting sick when traveling is to keep your immune system in tip-top shape! And one of the best ways to do that is to make sure that you and your family are eating healthy. Having regular, nutritious meals full of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can go a long way towards keeping you healthy meals on a regular basis.

Maintain 6 Feet Distance From People
This is one of the most common tips we are hearing throughout this pandemic, by staying away from people, you will have less chance of giving or getting a virus. Simple, right? Well, when traveling through an airport and then sitting on a plane with 200 other people, it may not be so easy. If possible, give some space to those around you, especially when in line for security or boarding. have lounge access, you may find it less crowded than the main terminal.

Avoid Stores.
Unnecessary contact with people, why not do so ? by avoiding stores, you can avoid more confined areas and reduce your interaction and money exchange with other people. Simple, small things like this may end up making a big difference.
5 Quick Tips to Help Kids Wear Face Masks.
This pandemic has made it very clear that even adults have a hard time wearing masks for a long time, so it is no surprise that some children may be a little hesitant .Here are some tips to help your kids feel comfortable wearing a face mask.
1. Talk to kids.
Explain to your children the importance of wearing a mask and why wearing them in public will help keep them and their neighbours safe from germs. let them know that they will be able to take a mask break while they are eating and drinking and when they leave the airport so that they have something to look forward to.

2. Practice at Home
Doing anything for the first time is always more difficult with kids. By practicing wearing a mask at home, or on short trips outside of the house, kids can start to get used to the mask and realize that it’s really not that bad. try introducing masks during playtime with toys and dolls as a way to show how to properly wear one.

3. Make it Fun
There are so many colors, patterns, and styles of masks available that there is something for everyone .Whether it is a pink mask to match a ballet tutu or a superhero mask to help protect the family, adding some personalization can go a long way.
4. Get the Right Size
It doesn’t matter if you get the coolest face mask available, if it doesn’t fit and isn’t comfortable your child will spend the whole time adjusting it and will eventually grow tired of it. by picking a mask that is the proper size (and soft fabric) you will increase your chances of having your little one wear it for longer periods of time.

5. Rules are Rules
Rules are rules and unfortunately, some U.S. carriers and most of the airlines have made it very clear that there is no flexibility when it comes to who has to wear a mask. if you have tried introducing a face mask to your child and they are still refusing, it may make more sense to delay your trip or drive if possible.

Final Thoughts
Coronavirus has likely forever changed the way we travel. Many of you will now always be traveling with what may feel like a professional sterilizing kit, Once it is again safe for you to travel, taking these extra precautions can go a long way to avoiding the spread of the coronavirus or other viruses in general.
The thing that is most important is the safety and health of your loved ones and those around you. once you get the green light to start traveling again . you will be doing so with these extra precautions in mind for safe travel.

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Happy & Safe Travelling !!!