Everyone's talking about age - how your twenties are probably the best part of your life and how once you hit your thirties, it's all about back pain, discomfort and "old age catching up" while you're supposed to be "settling down". It's also one of the biggest reasons why terms like "YOLO" and "FOMO" have emerged - we're in a constant rush to experience everything life has to offer in our 20s. People are always telling you to get all your best memories in before your knees start acting up, especially when it comes to travel.
As someone who has traveled since her teens and continues to obsess over travel in her thirties, I can safely say there's so much to look forward to and it only gets better as you get older. Here's why:
1. Travel styles

In your 20s, you're just about starting your journey as a traveler. You're getting to know yourself and in the process, your likes and dislikes. You're probably in your clueless era where you're discovering what travel really entails
In your 30s, you're more sure of yourself, your preferences and what your non-negotiables are in terms of a trip. Whether you enjoy backpacking, budget trips, hostels or luxury hotels, Bed and Breakfasts, road trips and guided tours, you'll be much more clear in terms of what your travel style is.
2. Budgets

In your 20s, you're just about starting to earn your own income. So you're perhaps more inclined to budget trips, backpacking and hostels. Sharing a space with a large circle of friends or strangers may not seem as daunting because the cost of the trip is likely a large factor.
In your 30s, you've probably saved enough for better holidays, nicer accommodation and more expensive destinations. You're alright to pay extra for the comfort and the experience that will add that much more to your travel experience.
3. Travel Buddies

In your 20s, you're probably surrounded by college mates, work colleagues or friends whose schedules match up to make travel plans together. It's a strong sense of belonging that keeps the bond strong enough to ensure no one is left behind while making travel plans
In your 30s, a lot of your friends have perhaps moved cities or countries. They're pursuing a demanding career, getting married and having kids. It's tough to get to meet as often so you end up making plans with a smaller group of friends. Or even opt for solo travel because who wants to wait around till everyone's schedules match up?!
4. Planning a trip

In your 20s, you're surrounded by friends so it's easier to make group plans while having a good time with people you know. The economics also tend to work out because of the large size of the groups. You can split efforts and plan the trip yourselves because you don't mind and want to save more.
In your 30s, you're probably juggling a hectic schedule with work, passions, interests, family and a whole lot more. Your mind space to plan the entire trip reduces significantly and you're probably looking for a nice relaxing getaway that doesn't feel like a chore.
5. Baggage

In your 20s, you're probably ok with borrowing a backpack, trekking gear and working through cheap flights that don't allow for much luggage. You're comfortable with a lot less and not so used to the luxuries in travel as yet.
In your 30s, you're a lot more particular about having your own gear, bags and perhaps entering the suitcase era a lot more strongly because you want to carry more outfits and nice accessories so you can also come back with nice memories.
As I look back on all these beautiful memories and how they've help mold me into the person I am in my thirties, I realize so much has changed since 10 years ago. And a quote by Anthony Bourdain comes to mind, that I think aptly captures the essence of travel, no matter what era you're in - “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”
I hope whatever your age may be, your love for travel only grows!

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