Often the movies and books give us a romantic picture of travel and the adventure that comes along. But is that real?
I have traveled for some time now, and my friends often wonder why I am not writing a book about it.
But what do I write? Should I write about the beautiful places I saw, the amazing people I meet and other wondering adventures that I encountered? What about times when I saw some beautiful sunsets, nigh sky full of stars, trees singing just for you, but no one to share it with, or the time when I stood alone on a lonely road, hoping that I have not missed the last bus. Should I call it adventure, or the truth, that I was shit scared and lonely, then. Well, we all are afraid, and there is no shame in admitting it. But above all, how do I write what I felt, how do I expect others to feel my experience. What you experience is the sum total of who you are. So why write, what can only be experienced.
Someone told me, traveling is just like life. There will be good times and bad times, time to celebrate with the new friends you make, and time to make friendship with yourself. Time to wonder where you are going, and time to be glad that you can't be lost if you don't know where you are going. Time to learn new things and time to let go what you are holding on. All those times, good, bad, lonely, happy, boring and interesting, together makes travel and makes you.
May be you are trying to run away. May be you always wanted to see new places, experience new culture, eat new food, learn new skills. Whatever may be you reason, travel. It will help.
But all those who wants to travel, remember:
· life is not a movie, that every moment cannot be ecstasy. There cannot be high without low. All you need to know is that every low will pass, so would the highs.
· think all you can, all the time you can. And once you are done thinking about the past and the future, you will learn to settle down in the present and enjoy the moment.
· the best times you will have are the ones you spend with fellow travelers, we are all social animals.
· the alone time is equally important, it will help you to face yourself and know yourself, and accept yourself.
· the friends you make on the road, will be lost on the road, but they would be genuine, cause we don't have expectation from strangers.
· everything will happen in its time, just have faith and go on. Once you stop fighting life and learn to go with the flow, you will save so much energy to enjoy life.
· the best moment will be those, where u don't take selfie or pictures, you will know why.
· stories are great, but you know there are two sides to the coin, so don't exaggerate.
· be kind and help as much as you can, karma has an important role to play, when you are traveling alone.
· try new things, even if you hate it, it would be a memorable story.
· your mistakes will teach and enrich you, make them, but be smart enough not to repeat them.
· if there is a will there is a way, so money is never a good excuse. The only person who is stopping you, is you.
· there is always a price to pay for the life you choose. So don't think those who travels has it all.
· believe in the law of diminishing marginal utility, soon the beautiful clothes, expensive perfume, and other material goodies, will lose its charm, but not when you travel.
· the more you travel, the more you will realize that we are all the same, with the same desire to be happy. Only our color, shapes and sizes vary.
· It’s human to suffer, so don’t think you are a poor soul, we all are. And the only person who can rescue you is you, yourself.
· most important, it’s your life, live your life the way you want.
· If you are travelling for change, be careful, travel will change you, and you won’t be able to go back to the person you used to be.
Only when you feel at home on the road and find friends amongst strangers, will you be truly free.