What do we love the most in life?
And what if I will tell you that you can get all three at once? yes you can. Its a one time offer- take one and get two free free free!
I am kidding. This is not a one time offer but actually a life time gift for you if you like travelling on your own and meeting new people.
Don't we just love those stories when people say they went someone far away, met someone accidentally and ended up travelling together or becoming friends for life? Think of the all time favorite movies: "Bucket List" or "Queen".
Is it for real?
Yes of-course it is. I have been on many trips and life events all alone and in fact as a child I always cherished travelling alone to hostel by trains or buses mainly because when I was on my own then I was Me. I still remember many incidents and heartfelt conversations with complete strangers during my train and bus journeys. But sadly I never tried to pursue any encounter after reaching the destination and I don't have reasons behind this. I just felt that this is the beauty of it. You meet people, share your stories and then bid goodbyes. Isn't it beautiful relationship. Why did they have to stay with you forever to make a difference or bring happiness and believe me they will teach you something about life or about your own self.
But now with the overexposure of social media its hard to not take them along you for atleast a while. These days you meet someone and in few hours you both are Facebook friends and if you ask me thats not such a bad thing actually. If you think it this way that you met this person while pursuing something you are crazy about so you are bound to like that person as he/she is crazy for the same thing. Bing!
I have met many of my now best friends through travel and I am glad I took those trips.
Why do you think this happens?
When we are out there, on our own then there is no need to pretend and we are in our true form. Imagine you are on a mountain with crazy chilly winds , can you talk about your office achievements there? If you can then sadly you are an extreme case of narcissist but most of us cant. We can only feel the life. We can only feel the day and the moment when we are there in front of a beauty like no other. consider it an intervention in life or look at it like magic. How else you would have met people who go far ddistances to fulfil their dreams?
My suggestion to everyone-
Go for travels and meet people. Who knows somewhere you might meet your soulmates and no I don't think that you have only one soulmate. There are many parts of your soul shattered in the world. Go find them and live free.