Tour of Trakai Castle, Lithuanians' most popular tourist attraction is by far the place that probably made them fall in love with Lithuania in the first place. A spectacular fairy tale castle that sits proudly in the center of a lush natural lake! In just 30 minutes, you can get away from the bustling streets of Vilnius and discover yourself immersed in the picturesque Lithuanian countryside. Tour of Trakai Castle is also a perfect way to explore Vilnius and get a real feel of the region's culture

The next best thing for those who don't have much time to spare during their holiday in Vilnius, Tour of Trakai Castle is a great and very budget friendly way to experience this charming little seaside town. You can even rent some boats from local boat rentals if you want to sample the local seafood. Tour of Trakai Castle starts from the Devero River where you'll find a nice and affordable hotel. But you're not done exploring yet - there's plenty more to see and do on the way to the castle.
A visit to Trakai Castle has become one of the most popular trips to Vilnius and other areas of the Baltic Sea. For such cases, a rented car is perfect, which can be taken at a very competitive price on bookingauto.com

First stop on your tour of Vilnius and the region as a whole is the largest city of Vilnius: Klaipeda. Klaipeda is home to the amazing Night Bazaar, where you'll find all kinds of great local delicacies and souvenirs. From local artwork to excellent clothing and souvenirs, you'll surely be spoilt for choice on your trip to Vilnius and its neighbouring region of T Lithuania. As you travel from Klaipeda, you'll also be able to take a nice look at the other towns and villages that make up Vilnius and the region in general.

After you've explored and seen all the natural beauty that Vilnius has to offer, it's time to head to one of its most famous sights - Trakai Castle. The impressive Baroque castle has been listed by the European Parliament as one of its best sites because of its impressive architecture and colourful, vivid past. There's a free guided tour of Trakai Castle which starts in the village of Vilnius and takes you on a walking tour through the grounds. It then moves on to take you on a walking tour through the interior of the castle, including a visit to the fortress itself.

From the grand duke's quarters in Trakai Castle you can take a walk down to the main square of Vilnius, where you'll find some of the most beautiful, intricate artwork that Vilnius has to offer. One of the most impressive pieces is a depiction of the Battle of Trakai (also known as the Battle of Strypez) which depicts the fierce fighting between the Lithuanian forces and the Turkish forces that were later absorbed by the Russian Empire. Other great attractions include the Ruin of Komissi Church, the National Museum, Vilnius University and the National Archaeological Museum.

Tour organiser Artis Tours offers a number of other attractions, including the Vilnicus Square and the Old Town. These places are very picturesque and offer an ideal base from which to explore Vilnius and the other historical towns nearby, such as Klaipeda and Riga. So, if you re looking for an amazing way to spend your holiday in Vilnius, be sure to look into a guided tour of some of its many fantastic and exciting sights.