Shrikhand mahadev trek is truly the most difficult trek of 5227m of elevation in India and as I've done this trek successfully with my two friends , I have proof why this is the most difficult trek.
We started this most adventurous journey of my life from shimla on 27th june 2019. We took a bus from sanjauli to narkanda at around 6:30 am and reached narkanda at 8 am. Our third friend was suppose to meet us at narkanda. After having breakfast at 11 am we took a bus and left narkanda to reach rampur bus stand . It took us almost two hours to reach rampur bus stand from rampur we had to take our last bus to reach jaon village. Jaon village is the base from where 70km trek begins. We took a bus to jaon which leaves at 2 pm and we reached jaon around 5 pm. There are hotels and homestays to spend the night. We choosed to stay at a home stay which was suggested by one of our friends friend. The name of the owner is a famous guy in jaon village known as laadain bhai.

28th june 2019 (jaon to thachru 15km)
We woke up at 4:30 am. We took the shower for last time as from now we could only wash our hair till we return or maybe we could never bath again. Because other trekkers who had completed the trek and some people who refused to go further and returned from the halfway were saying that this year there is a lot of snow after bheemdwar. The official trail that is from nain sarvoar is closed due to heavy snow ( glacier) you'll see the pics on the last day.
We started our trek at 5:15 am. Trail was beautiful as it was through the dense forest and kurpan river flowing on right side makes the trail mesmerizing. We reached shinghad after 3km hike. It was the time to take breakfast. Now our first obstacle to reach shrikhand mahadev had begun. It was 11km steep ascend to reach thachru. Thachru was our today's destination.
After very hard struggle we made it to thachru at 2pm. We all were fully exhausted and needed some long rest. So we decided to spend the night here and continue our trek next day. On the next day we were suppose to reach bheemdwaar.

We met people who were coming back after completing the trek and also many people who failed somehow, some returned from the kali top because of glacier crossing (it was really scary) and most of them were coming back from Parvati baag. They all said it is very difficult after bheemdwaar due to heavy snow and they advised us to not forget sunglasses with you otherwise your eyes will get sunburn. Read my blog till the end and you'll see these places and the situations.
Tea at thachru costs 20 rupees
100 rs stay and 100 rs food per person
This was the price that we had paid. Because we went before the official yatra which is organised by government. During yatra food is free.
29th June 2019 (thachru to bheemdwaar 10km)
We woke up at 6 am and started our trek around 6:30 am towards kali top. After few steps the forest began to dissapear and Meadows began to appear. After less than 2km hike we reached Kali top at 7:45 am.

views from kali top is just incredible. After admiring such amazing views our tired body just turned into energetic body to see more of such views.
After Kali top we started to descend towards bheemtalai.

we had breakfast at bheemtalai around 9 am.
Now it was the time to walk on the scary trail of shrikhand mahadev. Normally after bheemtalai there are several water stream crossings but due to heavy snowfall the water stream was covered with glacier and under the glacier water was still flowing.

one wrong step here and you are done with your life. This was really scary but with high dedication and great presence of mind we managed to cross all these glacier crossings one bye one.
Around 2 am we reached kunsha.

i just fell in love with kunsha. I lost my mind here. I also dropped my phone here but thank god i found it. After kunsha there's no network here you make the last call to your Loved ones.

After every turn the landscape were getting more scenic.
we kept going while admiring the drastically changing landscapes after every 10 mins of walk. Trail after bheemtalai talai is like small ascend and then small descend and sometimes straight Meadows. It's was just the glacier crossings which was difficult otherwise it's a wonderful trail to follow on.
And finally we reached bheemdwaar and indeed it was like door of heaven .

Even in bheemdwaar you can charge your phone. That's the best thing one can get at such altitude. There are several beautiful waterfalls all around. This makes it kind of heaven.
Tea costs 40 rupees
Three person tent rs 500
Food 120 person per person
I'll give you some tips at the end if the situation goes same for you.
30th june 2019
(bheemdwaar to shrikhand mahadev and back to bheemdwaar 5 km)
This day was full of surprises.
We started at 5 am towards Parvati baag. Just after few steps we saw only snow (glacier) on which this whole 5km trek was suppose to be done.
Just before reaching the the Parvati baag i saw the most amazing waterfall of my life which is known as Parvati fall (Parvati jharna)

As i said earlier the official way which was through nain sarvoar was closed due to glacier so we had to climb steep 3km ascend on snow.

This steep climb was like expedition. Doing expedition was my dream and here without any experience we were ready to do this expedition.
We reached Parvati baag at 6 am and snow was hard. If you are in such situations wait for the sun so snow would melt and it became easy to put steps. This was our first snow trek so we had no idea how and when to climb. As we took few steps up in the hard snow one of our fellow climber slipped and got injured due to hard snow. This really scared us. One of my friend refused to go further and he stepped back at a safe place. Me and my friend were few steps forward so going back means we had to slide, but sliding on this hard snow could even break our bones so i decided to go further . I also sleeped two times but i some how i managed to reach a safe place. I also lost my stick.
But the view from here was stunning.

At this spot we were only three people. One was my friend and another was just another climber.
Now we had to do rock climbing but one wrong step could bring us back to the Parvati baag with Broken bones. At such situations we should focus on our mental health as well as physical health. If your mental and physical health is excellent then you good to go.
We climbed the rock section and reached a small safe spot where we met a group of 10-12 men.
After some rest we started to climb up again. Snow was still hard so at first we had to make a step and then put our step there and made another step. After 2 hours of really really hard struggle we reached a snow meadow.
I was totally exhausted our water and food was almost finished. I had left few almonds and very little water at this spot.
But again views was just unreal.

Now we were really tired i was feeling like had no energy left so climbing another ( around 1km)
was risky because we had few source of energy left.
Also one fellow trekker miss guided us. He said after climbing this we had to climb another mountain. But this wasn't true.
So my friend asked me to quit here and lets go back, our friend was also wanting for us at Parvati baag.
I didn't wanted to to quit but it was like playing with my life so i agreed and started to descend towards Parvati baag.
Now another surprise was waiting for us. A huge group of 20-22 people were ascending. Their leader asked me , you made it up to the shrine? I said no and explained the reason. He replied with a smile and said brother you are almost there it is last climb. He said come to me , he showed me the shrine which was clearly visible.
Now most amazing Surprise was that my third friend shouted hey let's go up. And we both were like you??
Now with new energy and new excitement we continued our climb to shrikhand mahadev. But after every single step we were getting tired due to low oxygen level. This is major problem here which could also take a life.
After struggling for 7-8 hours from Parvati baag finally we reached shrikhand mahadev.
we got to see the same view from the peak as it seen in expeditions. I felt like I had climbed Mt Everest.

after spending one hour we all were at peace.
It started to snow so now it was the time to leave from heaven. It took 7-8hours to climb but i took only 30 minutes to go back down to Parvati baag as snow was melted and sliding was just best way to go down.
I slided continuesly for 10 minutes and those 10 minutes still gives me goosebumps.
Some tips for shrikhand mahadev trek.
1. before doing this trek you must check the upcoming weather reports
1. Trekking shoes are mandatory
2. Don't forget sunglasses ,Rain coat and warm clothes and three pair of socks.
3. First aid and medicine for altitude sickness.
4. Kapoor for low oxygen level.