Three Birdwatching Places In Karnataka


Karnataka inherits so many wildlife sanctuaries and after this lockdown situation people inclined towards nature beauty and head towards less crowded destinations. These sanctuaries attract everyone for tigers, deer and leopards. But a huge community of bird watchers head towards so less known destinations to get a glimpses of colorful wings. Lots of migrated birds can be seen during season. Plan a trip to these destinations atleast once to experience unmatchable bird watching.

1) Kokkrebellur

Photo of Kokrebellur, Karnataka, India by Bloggers Without Borders - (BWB)

It's not a bird sanctuary but a small town famous between birdwatching community. You can spot Cormorants, Egrets, Herons and ibis. Also some flocks of spot-billed pelicans and painted storks nesting.

Distance From Bangalore : 90 Kms

2) Bhadra Resevoir

Photo of Bhadra Reservoir, Karnataka by Bloggers Without Borders - (BWB)

Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary is a tiger reserve and Bhadra Resevoir is located at the end of the sanctuary, also inhabitant multiple bird species. When you are not doing jungle safari, pratincoles, Ospreys, Cormorants, Darters and Peacocks are easily spot able.

Distance from Bangalore : 290 Kms

3) Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary

Photo of Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Srirangapatna, Karnataka, India by Bloggers Without Borders - (BWB)

This place is famous for both migrated and resident birds. You can witness multiple species of birds like Spoonbills, White Ibis, Egrets, Herons, Partridges and many more. Sanctuary is closed to Mysore and situated on the shores of Cauvery River. One of the most recommended way to do birdwatching is by taking a boat in river but be careful of crocodiles in rivers who are looking at you.

Please make sure you travel responsibly and keep the place litter free.

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