New Year has already arrived and some of us are ready with their travel bucket list while others are still trying to find where they should ahead this year. Travel industry has moved more people to more destinations. With the burgeoning boom, options are widened and prices are fallen. So it is predictable that this year would be great. Well, before deciding the destinations for this year, let us set some travel resolutions that will help us travel better –
Update Your Passport
Check the expiry date of your passport. January seems perfect time for the replacement of your expiring passport. So, get it replaced before it expires.
Keep Your Phones Off
Make sure that you keep your smart phones or camera off and keep your eyes and ears on while travelling. Kick off your headphones and let your senses install the surroundings, the faces, the colors and natural soundtrack.
Stop Texting
Stop texting while walking or while crossing a road in foreign country or in your own country as well. It may lead to serious accidents; moreover it hampers you to explore the place.
Do Not Over-Drink
Drinking ambitiously is not good. And if you think after that renting a vehicle or swimming could add charm then do not even think of doing it.
Go Back to Half Your Age
Try to remember a destination that you explored when you were half of your present age. Go back to the place and relate it how it has been changed over the years.
Pack Less
Feel free and more mobile with fewer luggage. Fewer luggage definitely do not imply leaving the basic things but implies carrying off the unnecessary luggage.
Try Sporting In A Strange Land
Try some sporting when you are in a strange land. You will have lots of fun with the new adventure and at new destination. It will always be a mesmerizing memory.
Leave Your Comfort Zone
The moment you get out of your comfort, you tend to get the newer experiences. Time is the most precious thing so, do not waste it. In fact try to get new experiences. Just think of a place where you feel the most comfort and do the opposite.
With the delightful New Year, wishing you all a travel-ful year ahead!
May you reach all your destinations this year!