Julia and Sven with their pooch Felix are giving us serious travel goals with their presence on social media. Felix, the couple’s pet, has had some ‘pawsome’ experiences around the world and he shows it off pretty well on his social media page, ‘wanderlust_samoyed’.
The travelling power couple, Julia and Sven, have been travelling with Felix for two and a half years, who has now covered over 20 countries. With more than 60k followers on Instagram, this fluff ball has become a known celebrity in the area.
The travel tellers:
Both Julia and Sven share in common their love for travelling. They went on their first trip together seven years ago and there has been no turning back ever since. After many trips and three years of on and off travelling, they realised that this is something they need to get into full time. "We didn't feel as happy as we wanted to. We felt kind of locked up in our daily routines. That's why we realised we had to change somethingthis might turn into something real."
Soon after, both sold most of their possessions and hitchhiked together for two years starting from Poland. They started their blog, The Travel Tellers, which is a complete memoir of their journey right from the beginning.
Felix’s journey to fame:
Felix was adopted by the couple from Germany, who then joined them for all adventures to come.
Flaunting his expeditions on the Instagram page, the snuggle bug got his following. It has pictures so perfect that it almost seems unreal!
The four-legged traveller is inspiring many other pet parents. The guy has travelled to 20 countries without being on a plane once. Felix is not much of a fan of heat, so he prefers to visit the hotter destinations during spring, autumn and winter. He loves his canned food and has his packing list.
Do you also feel inspired to travel with your pet? Tell us in the comments below!
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