So, you are over-excited about your vacation to another country abroad? Are you going to study, work of take a short holiday? Well, you deserve the time but before you travel, you already know you ought to make enough preparation. Before you get too excited, remember there are important and mandatory things you need to keep in order. They will ensure you have a stress0free time during your stay. With the Covid-19 pandemic, travel restrictions have been instilled. A traveler must be all the conditions and follow protocol to travel to the safe countries. Here is a checklist of essential things you must prepare some time before traveling.

1. Ensure the Visa and Passport are Up-to-date
Before you can enjoy your time out there, you must ensure your passport is ready. If you don't have one, you will require to apply several months before your traveling date. Make sure you organize month before. If your passport is ready, ensure it has more than six months validity before its expiration date. This is another major requirement for many countries. The process of renewing your passport can be long and tedious. Therefore, you need to start it way before your flight date. If your destination country will require a passport, you will also have to apply for one. Still, it is a long process. So, you have to be patient.
2. Get Travel Insurance
It is crucial to ensure even when you are abroad, your insurance firm is covering you. BCBS International offers health insurance for all their clients internationally. This means that you will get the coverage even when you travel. However. If you don't have this coverage, you will require buying one. You may also lose your luggage or require paying for something that you hadn’t planned for. Travel insurance will cover all these needs. Before selecting the travel insurance, ensure you know what it covers, depending on the things you plan to do.

3. Check for Travel and Health Warnings
It is also important to check any travel warnings. With the coronavirus pandemic, many countries are unsafe for traveling and you must know them and things you ought to do to protect yourself. Check if your destination is safe. You can check on their website or various news for travel warning and any advice on what to do when you get there. Remember that your travel insurance might not cover you in a country with travel warnings. The Covid-19 virus is continuing to affect many countries. Therefore, check the CDC website for current news and protocols for international travels.
4. Get Vaccinated
Apart from the Covid-19 vaccination requirements, you must also check with the CDC on the vaccinations you will require before going to your destination. You might require the cholera, malaria or other diseases' vaccination to ensure you will be safe. Some international health insurance companies cover their clients on this. Therefore, before traveling, check with your company if they will cover you for the vaccinations. It will be ideal to get vaccinated weeks before your travel date.

5. Learn More About your Destination
Countries have different cultures. Therefore, no matter how sociable and open-minded you may think you are, prepare your time abroad by learning more about the culture. Research the destination and the places you will be visiting. Learn the common phrases used. You also need to learn about the gestures since one gesture in your country could mean something completely different in another. It can also be a good idea to pack several clothes worn in the country.
6. Update your Wallet with Several Modes of Payment
It will be crucial to confirm the mode of payment accepted in the country or in the entry and exit points. You can then carry one or two credit cards you will use. If you want to reduce fraud risk, don't carry all your cards. The common exchange rate may be the ATM. However, the charges differ in different countries. You will also need to carry extra cash for emergency cases.
7. Make a Copy of Your Travel Documents, Ticket and Reservation
It is vital you make copies of all your documents. Although nothing bad might happen, it is wise to get prepared for anything. Therefore, make copies of your travel documents, your tickets and reservations. They will be helpful if your original copies are stolen or lost. Carry some copies and leave some with your friend or family member. While making the copies, confirm that you have every document you will require.
The Bottom Line
There are a lot of things you ought to do to prepare for your travel abroad. This article does not indicate that these are the only ones. However, they are the most important ones. The important thing is to prepare early to ensure you don't have any travel issues. They will also help you stay safe during this period of the coronavirus pandemic. Arrange your finances and ensure your insurance company is backing you up.