Barangay Day-asan , a typical floating village situated at Arellano District of Surigao City has a total area of 642.36 hectares, 554.9 is a mangrove area of 7 different species and 87.46 is situated for agriculture. Seven kilometers from the city proper, it is accessible both by land and sea transportation. A mere 30 minutes ride by habal-habal and 20 minutes by a motorboat.
Getting there:
Habal-habal are stationed at the city public market at P25.00/pax
Our first stop is Birok beach, accessible by paddleboat or a 10 minute motorboat ride, passing through cool and soothing sight of lush green mangroves. It is a patch of powdery white sands and corals surrounded by clear blue-green water great for snorkeling.

The simple houses of its residents (400+ households) stands on wooden stilts or piles of rock, mostly with fish cages. Instead of roads, getting into other houses is possible either by narrow wooden bridges or waterways in between plied by bancas, bandungs-dugouts or outrigger boats. Thus earning its title as the “Little Venice of Surigao”.

Day-asan, an ecotourism destination showcasing great conservation of mangrove forest and reforestation work. You can support the community through your visits.