Some of you must be unaware of the term "HITCHHIKING", no worries it's totally understandable because hitchhiking is a new thing for Indians.
●What is Hitchhiking...?
- Hitchhiking simply means asking people for lift, it's a simple way to travel for free and also one gets to meet new people each time you get a lift. Although Hitchhiking is new to India, there is a growing Indian hitchhiking community and the rise of the car-owning middle class means that hitchhiking from cities to popular excursion sites is increasingly simple.
- Hitchhiking in India can be an incredible experience, although travelling in India is pretty much cheap across the entire country. Hitchhiking would perhaps be one of the best ways to move around the diverse, enormous and beautiful country.
●Things to keep in mind to successfully do hitchhiking :
- Yes, the most important thing to keep in mind is the location where you are going to hitchhike. One should always hitchhike on the OUTSKIRTS of ant city or town because most of the people in the city are going to nearby places only. That won't help you to cover longer distances.
- Finding the RIGHT LOCATION will massively boost your chances of being seen by people travelling in your direction and therefore increase your chances of getting picked up.
- Traffic lights, petrol & service stations can be good places as it allows more time for drivers to assess you
-. Believe in your six sense, never take a ride if you feel a bad vibe from the stranger. Assume you have waited for hours and someone has finally stopped. You walk to their car and you instantly pick up on a bad vibe. You don’t like how they look; they may have phrased a question weird or you can smell alcohol on their breath. Just because they offered a lift it does not mean you have to take it.
- In this case just say no to the ride.
- Second most important thing to keep in mind is to look neat and clean. As the other person needs to build a trust that you won't "robe" him, your first impression is the thing that really matters.
- Always keep a smile on your face, wear light coloured clothes, make eye contact with drivers passing by and if possible then carry a cardboard to write the place you're heading towards.
- These little things will help the other person trust you and hence let you in their vehicles.
- It takes time to successfully get a ride from a stranger, sometimes you could have to wait a few minutes or even a couple of hours in worst condition to get a ride.
- Hitchhiking sometimes test your patience to extreme level but all you need to do is be positive, don't panic you're surely get a ride.
5. TIME :
- You can't stand on the roadside at 2 AM and ask for ride, most of the time you'll just be wasting your time, energy and sleep !!
- I strongly recommend you not to hitchhike at night it's really risky as you're more prone to lead any mishappening.
- If you opt for walking, check your map and be sure that you can hike to the next town before nightfall. If you are in remote areas, local people will be so fascinated by you you will probably be offered food and a bed anyway.
- You’re finally in the car, now it’s time to do your part. The driver picked you up because they want some company, that means do not sleep.
- They want to hear about your stories: where you’re from, where you’ve been and what your plans are. For the sake of the whole hitchhiking community, do your very best to entertain them and create a positive image of hitchhikers.
- They will then tell their friends of the super-cool awesome hitchhiker they picked up, thus in turn making more hitchhiker friendly drivers !!
Now that you know what Hitchhiking really is,
●Here are some of the famous routes you could start hitchhiking with :-
The route from Manali to Leh is magical in it's own way, the eye-catching beautiful scenic views are not worth missing at all. This route is a really famous for bikers, you can easily hitchhike from Manali to Leh. The trucks would be your perfect ride, the good thing is that the truck drivers are always ready to pick up a traveller along their route. Distance from Manali to Leh is about 470 Km. Throughout the stretch, one would come across several monasteries and Gompas, where you can spend the night.
If you've never done hitchhiking never before in your life then this is the route I suggest. Many hitchhiker's have started from this route only. The distance from Mumbai to Goa is about 610 Km. I recommend you to start your journey as early as possible due to the long distance to cover on. There are various cafes on the way so you may have to stop more than once during the journey. You can cover the distance in withing a day or maybe 2.
I didn't recommend you hitchhiking at this route in summers but in monsoon or winters, this route is best. This journey of about 280 Km is just magical. You should never miss the sunset there. On the way, you'll find numerous villages where you can interact with villagers and capture the beauty of their vibrant culture.Grabbing delicious and flavoursome Rajasthani meals on your way will definitely help you catch the true vibe of Rajasthan.
If you live near Delhi, wanna gain hitchhiking experience then this best route for you. This road is well taken by both public and private vehicles, which makes it all the more easier to find a ride. I suggest you to start as early as possible so as to cover the long distance of around 300 Km within a day. Watching sunset in Manali in the evening would be best.