The show of fireflies in rural Madhya Pradesh

8th Jun 2021
Photo of The show of fireflies in rural Madhya Pradesh by Mahesh Pardeshi
Day 1

A few weeks before the monsoon arrives in India, is when fireflies are found commonly in humid forest or rural areas. They glow to attract the opposite sex for mating and the landscape is illuminated by these thousands of miracle bugs.

This picture had a bit of unintentional camera shake while doing a long exposure capture, but when I opened it in a laptop I couldn't delete it. The dual layers of trees and single layer of village house makes this picture unique and a very special one to me.. 😊

This is shot in rural Madhya Pradesh, During the same pre-monsoon period the fireflies are also found in Sahyadri mountains in Maharashtra, IN.

Shot this photo using Fujifiilm XT3.

A village landscape illuminated by Fireflies...

Photo of Mandla by Mahesh Pardeshi