We live in an age of seemingly limitless information. We live in a world where we constantly seek out gratification. Life in the 21st century is a fast paced, consumer-oriented where media surrounds us and all the times enforcing the idea of happiness is a matter of being perfect by buying the latest technology and gadgets. We have the latest phones and the greatest television but still the happiness fades away as times seek off. We are inculcated with the message - BUY,BUY BUY YOUR WAY TO HAPPINESS.
But do you really think so that happiness is when you buy stuff???
We live in an age where we have forgotten what life is all about?
Life is all about experiences " the circumstances we entered into and lived fully. The lesson taught and impression left by these experiences lasted forever and ever.
And for me the best way of to gain experiences is to "TRAVEL" . Travel to new places, explore the rich heritage of each landmarks and feel the joy and happiness that comes from it.
So here are few reasons why experiences are better than possessions:
The latest smartphones we buy are wonderful and teaches us many things but soon get outdated and is more likely to get diminish and so is the case of happiness derived from it.
On the contrastingly, experiences will never lose their luster. We can never forget the night out with our friends, the trips we had in our school and college days, the trek we had with few strangers, the adventure sports we engaged in and many more. Those less intense , but still enjoyable days and nights out with the company of loved ones or with some strangers or just all alone will provide much longer lasting and more fulfilling happiness and a topic to talk on for years to come and moment to be felt again and again than the temporary thrill of a large purchase.

Travelling doesn't means going on long weekends,road trips etc. Size doesn't really matter in travelling.
Even the simple act of sitting in a wooded park and listening to the wind moving through the leaves or just walking over the small streams or relaxing on a moss covered rock to inhale the fragrances and observe the surrounding can be truly peaceful. The time spent enjoying the nature, observing the surrounding deeply and absorbing the beauty and wonder it hold will not cost anything but changes our perspective towards the world and the places and how it holds the littlest things in its heart that the gadget we brought couldn't.
Communicating with nature is the best way to unlock the creativity and generate new ideas and thoughts. Many discoveries and laws have been formulated while communicating with the nature only. And the best example is NEWTON, he formulated the law of gravity while relaxing and observing the nature under an apple tree.

Experiences do more than just merely endures facts and figures but also transform life.
The humbleness, dedication, virtousness ,compassionate, curiosity to know more, to be passionate, the feeling of giving rather than receiving, the feeling of feeling good than looking good, the ways to organize things etc we experienced from travelling from a part of our identity

The stupidity we did at those times lead us to little troubles but made us gained a life long lesson and experience that last with us forever .

So go ahead and fill your life with experiences. Many of them will cost you nothing,some will be reasonably priced and some may be expensive.But each will have their own memories and life lessons. Living gratefully is the best way for you to live happily. You are grateful for the experiences because they are worth the price as little bits of happiness add up and when spread out, last alot longer.

So next time before you buy any material items ask yourself if there is an experience you could be spending your money on.