It's not all sunsets, laughs and good times. Yes! travel can be transformative, exhilarating but at times, it's ridiculously annoying. This is a list of exhaustive (and very exhausting!) things that leave me irritated at best whenever I am travelling.
1. The Trauma Of Packing
Packing feels like a never ending internal dialogue with no correct answers. Should I carry an overcoat or a light jacket? Two pair of jeans or four? Heels or Flats or both? and the end result of this crisis is that either I end up over packing or under packing. I am never 'just right.'
2. To Pay for Luggage on Flights.
Being the chronic over packer that I'm, it's infuriating to pay more for what should be a basic service. Like seriously. If I’m going for a vacation for 15 days, isn't it probably a given that I’m going to check some luggage?
3. Clearing Airport Security
Even after taking off everything that could conceivably ping as I go through the metal detectors, I always ping because of a coin in some corner of my pockets.
4. People Traveling with Pets
I love dogs, but I don't love your dander factory of a cat so much that you should feel free to let it crawl across both of us in flight.
5. Hotel Woes
What is it with hotels and their electronic keys? You cannot keep it in your pocket because of your mobile phone and definitely not in your bag ( coins and keys) then where the hell should I keep it? Tucked away beneath the sole of my shoes?
Also, when I have checked in at 1:15 a.m and rented the room for a day, why should I check out at 11 a. m.? I demand an honest 24-hour day.
6. Jetlag
They say “West is Best, East is a Beast” and they aren’t kidding! There is no way to avoid Jetlag or the horrible side effects that come with it, and studies have found it takes a whole day to recover from each time zone we travel through!
7. Haggling
Haggling is an everyday occurrence from taxi rides to markets. It's unavoidable, and while you know your being ripped off on that “hand-made souvenir” which you end up buy anyway!
8. Language Barriers
You always try to learn the essential words like of “Hello” “Thank You” “Goodbye” etc… but there are also instances where you want to ask locals questions about what they do for a living, who they are, and questions about their life.
9. Leaving
During some of my longer trips away I sometimes get homesick, whether it is missing home comforts, food or my own comfy bed. But when it is time to leave I never feel quite ready to return home.
Cover Image Credits: travelinksites