The Geological Wonder, the most popular and largest caverns in Eastern America, is definitely one of the world’s greatest wonders. Honestly, I am still thinking of the best way to describe this ravishing art of Mother Earth. It’s truly difficult to fully recreate the atmosphere of these amazing expressions of nature in a single article.
The caverns, formed millions of years ago, were discovered in 1878, and was declared a federal natural landmark in 1978. The caverns comprise of several chambers, beautifully decorated with striking salient creations such as cathedral-sized rooms with ceilings 10-stories high, golden stone towers formations, Giant’s Hall, crystal-clear pools and natural wonder at every point. Luray Caverns are best known for the world’s largest musical instrument, the Great Stalacpipe Organ.
The well-lighted, paved walkways along with the guided tours, take the visitors through the caverns, explaining the geology, history and chemistry behind the wonders of nature. The entire trek is 1.5 miles (2.4 KMs) and takes around 1 hour to cover it. The admission fees to the caverns is $26 for adults and $14 for children. At the instance, I felt it as bit pricey but soon I realized the worth!!
The wonderment inside the caverns is so fascinating and picturesque that I couldn’t just stop taking off my hands from the snap button on my camera, till the battery drained out. Yes, it’s quite sad and my bad, that I missed out taking few snaps at the exit, as I didn’t have spare batteries for my camera; Make sure you don’t face the same!!! Have your camera and its accessories completely loaded when you enter the caverns!!!
Here are few impressions of Luray Caverns that will definitely amaze you:
If you ask me, this subterranean wonder world is an absolute worth visit. Believe me, I have been to quite a few caverns but nothing compares the Luray Caverns!! I must admit, after visiting here, I have a strong urge to learn more about the “Theories of Earth”!! This was a highly informative, interesting, adventurous and a definite knowledgeable guided tour!!!
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