Day 1
When summer strikes, everyone craves for lusting trip to the beach.
Its a 15 minutes boat drive from honda bay of puerto princesa to the nearest beautiful island of cowrie.
Sea breeze. Cruel sun. Intense feeling.
It all drips into your soul, and touches you within with such vibrant glow.
Its a 15 minutes boat drive from honda bay of puerto princesa to the nearest beautiful island of cowrie.
Sea breeze. Cruel sun. Intense feeling.
It all drips into your soul, and touches you within with such vibrant glow.
There's so many things to do in this wonderful island.
Aside from the fact that it has that pristine seawater and white sand, you'll be tempted to ask for a henna tattoo or a very relaxing massage. Photos taken are inevitable to resist, plus that friendly boat man who makes our stay a little more playful.
Photos credit: to Ren
Aside from the fact that it has that pristine seawater and white sand, you'll be tempted to ask for a henna tattoo or a very relaxing massage. Photos taken are inevitable to resist, plus that friendly boat man who makes our stay a little more playful.
Photos credit: to Ren