Kalga is a small village located in Parvati valley of Himachal Pradesh. It is 15-20 minutes hike to reach Kalga from Barsheini ( the last point in Parvati valley where the bus goes ). You can stay in Kalga village for one day in wooden houses at Rs300 for one room for two persons. Spend one-day eating and enjoying the beautiful view through the window lying down on your bed. You can walk to the nearby village Pulga just to feel the nature (20-30 minutes).
You can also trek to Kheerganga as trails are well-marked from Kalga to Kheerganga. You can leave all your bag packs at Kalga village ( where you stayed; no extra charges) but carry towel and clothes to change as there are hot bath kunds at top of kheerganga ( the best thing on kheerganga trek).
Take a bus from Delhi or Chandigarh to Bhuntar. Then spend one night in Bhuntar and next day take another bus from Bhuntar bus stand to Barsheini.