Day 1
Chas (also called as Chas Narodi) is a village in Pune district, Maharashtra, India. It covers the area from Ghodegaon (Chinchawalee) to Kalambh on Pune Nashik road. This village falls under the Taluka name Ambegaon.
The skies are damn clear at night for night photography session (AstroPhotography) You can clearly identify the stars constellations Big dipper appears between the time of 1am to 2am and you can easily find the north star which is also known as (Polaris). This shot of milkyway I photographed at 3:30am the sky was totally clear so I was able to recognize the Milkyway Band which was appearing behind this mountains. Enjoy
Happy Travelling!!!!
The skies are damn clear at night for night photography session (AstroPhotography) You can clearly identify the stars constellations Big dipper appears between the time of 1am to 2am and you can easily find the north star which is also known as (Polaris). This shot of milkyway I photographed at 3:30am the sky was totally clear so I was able to recognize the Milkyway Band which was appearing behind this mountains. Enjoy
Happy Travelling!!!!