Half a day trip to just to spend sometime with these lovely biggies.

Leave early and reach by at 8am to spend delightful time with animals. Google maps will help you to reach there.

An elephant normally lives about 65 years. The cause of natural death is the wearing down of the sixth and final set of molars. The elephant generally dies of malnutrition.

These elephants daily routine, go for a walk in the morning, bring food for them. take a shower or dip in a river, then come back for breakfast. and relax.

Do not feed your food to any animals and please do not throw any waste, especially plastic waste. if you find one you can throw it in a dustbin.

How hilarious human rules are, they made a regulation that sitting on top of me other than my trainer is illegal, but my trainer can smack me if i do not obey. How selfish these humans are.

So conclusion, its a half day trip. do not hurt animals, do not litter anywhere, then do not forget to enjoy with these little happy innocent creatures. Wish to know more about the trip just email me: docguru.biradar@gmail.com with subject-Kodanada Trip Kerala