Shefali sent me a beautiful quote on Instagram saying,
“Traveling solo does not always mean you’re alone. Most often, you meet marvelous people along the way and make connections that last a lifetime.”
Want to experience this feeling but scared of multiple challenges it brings along..? Don’t worry, this blog will end up clearing many of your doubts.
Stop Thinking & Go For It..
Solo Travel is definitely best experience in a person’s life, one who loves travelling should compulsorily do it once in his or her life.
It makes you more responsible.
You will take care of yourself.
It will make you learn new things.
You will become time bound person.
You will meet lots of new and interesting persons.
You will get less materialistic.
You will become open to whole world.
You will love being with yourself in your company.
You will become less fearful
You will be able to live beyond the boundaries.
Still in Doubt..? I might have the Solution
Many of us have several doubts while travelling alone which they think as a challenge but are actually not.
Too much expense… ??
Luckily this problem is gone long, now you don’t need to book costly cabs but can share them as well. Hotels too now have single bedrooms very often.
Safety issues.
Don’t worry there are multiple helplines for your support. Also don’t trust anyone blindly. Try to be friendly to localites but not over friendly. Pre book your hotels with well known sites as they have reviews plus problem solving is quick.
Insecure about your luggage & gadgets..?
You must be worried about it, but don’t let that hamper your tour. Firstly the rule says, never leave your luggage or gadgets unattended but if it’s an emergency trust people with families or people going to the same place as you.
Who will take my pictures.. ??
The most frequent thought every solo traveler get is i will lack my own pictures which is absolutely a myth. There are so many co travellers whom if politely ask will definitely take a one for you. Otherwise carry a selfie Stick or a good tripod. These days cameras have Wi-Fi features helping you to see your position in the camera through your phone screen. Also, your cab driver could be a life saver.
Few Essentials You Should Definately have
Essential documents and there copies
A diary with your important contacts
First aid
Important medications
Some sort of emergency alarm
A good guide about the place
SIM of a network operator working in the area of your vacation
Emergency contact details of the place
Hotelier details
Stay in touch with a closed one

With this I will end up this blog. I hope I cleared many of your doubts and will try to clear any not covered.
If you have any suggestions or want me to write any specific blog for you or have any questions regarding this particular blog, write in the comment section below or write an email to me.
Email – medha.sharma88@yahoo.com Always in your support .
The vacation girl.
IG — https://instagram.com/download/?r=8464560769