Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights.

1st Feb 2019
Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. by Divya Iyer

At 68.95° N Latitude, Murmansk in Russia is the largest city North of the Arctic circle and your cheapest gateway to the Northern Lights. The Aurora Borealis presents itself to us longing travelers in Greenland, Alaska, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Russia. And among all these options, Murmansk in Russia is your cheapest and quickest destination for the dancing lights.

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 1/7 by Divya Iyer

While you’re here, take time to see more than just the Northern Lights.

1. Visit Laplandia, the Russian version of the Finnish Laplands

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 2/7 by Divya Iyer

2. Mingle with the Saami Tribes, the original inhabitants of the Arctic

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 3/7 by Divya Iyer

3. Play with and feed the Reindeer

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 4/7 by Divya Iyer

4. Go Snowmobiling and dash through the snow in a sleigh

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 5/7 by Divya Iyer

5. Visit a Husky Farm to spend time with Alaskan and Siberian Huskies. They also take you around on a ride.

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 6/7 by Divya Iyer

6. Take one of Europe’s northern most road to Vayda Guba and see the land blend into the Barents sea and the Arctic Ocean. The only land on the other side is the North Pole. How’s that for being on top of the world ?

Photo of Skip Scandinavia. This is the cheapest place to see the Northern Lights. 7/7 by Divya Iyer

Combine the trip with a visit to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. And you can do all of this from Delhi in just 5 days and it will cost you less than INR 70000 (visa, tickets, stay, tours, food all costs included)! And that is how much you will pay just for tickets to any of the other cities! So what are you waiting for? Pack those snow boots and jackets and head to Murmansk before winter is over.

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