sandhan valley - valley of shadows 

22nd Oct 2019
Photo of Sandhan Valley, Maharashtra by yagna prabhala

Sandhan valley also known as valley of shadows is the canyon in Sahyadri range of west ghats in Maharashtra. There is a narrow river flowing in between the hills .

how to reach ?

it is a 6-8 hour bus journey from Pune railway station to the base camp village called Samrad village .

trek duration

base camp

Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala

1. it takes 7-10 hrs to trek depending on the speed

2. it includes rappelling of over 50ft which is the most adventurous part at the site in the night

4.trekking back to base village might take 4-6 hrs . It covers various streams of water and sites of peaks of ratangad and jaw dropping sites of Alang ,malang and kulang mountains.

Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala
Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala


Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala
Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala
Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala
Photo of sandhan valley - valley of shadows by yagna prabhala