Sailing the unforgiving Drake passage and staying tilted and nearly submerged by 45 degree winds...for 5 days, really takes you to an un-ventured part of your mind. Every day of those of 5 days, you would either look forward to falling asleep or dread doing so...simply because of the dreams you start having. Twas amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed staying disconnected with 'my world' and spending 21 days with 8 other humans from other continents. The expedition was treacherously satisfying. When we finally made it to the peninsula of the Antarctic, we made at least 2 landings from our sailboat everyday, had BBQs on some days, endless amount of wine for the trip, 24 hour daylight for most of the time and I learnt a lot about Sir Ernest Shackleton and what he experienced on his expeditions.
On many days you end up either going "Tsk tsk tsk" or "OMG.. what a view or what a moment". On other days I remember tearing silently in shock with everything I was looking at. I would thank god for my limbs and 6 senses repeatedly and sometimes I'd battle to keep my eyes open simply cause I didn't want to miss anything..lol. Spectacular and Epic is how I would sum it up.
And You should explore the Antarctic if you haven't. It is after all, part of your planet :)