The village of taboos which has been hiding scandalous stories since ages. Stories which will enhance your curiosity even more to visit this village located in Kullu district. When I decided to visit Malana, I had only heard one thing that this place is world famous for it's best Malana cream. Apart from that my information was zero about this place. I put this place in my solo trip to Kasol only because like any other youngster I thought, "Malana jaana to banta hai boss". Without knowing it's history which is worth knowing I planned to cover up Malana on my last day of my solo trip to Kasol.
Basic Information to Reach Malana from Kasol
Let me give you the details of the route which I chose as trekking is the another option but I chose to opt for a taxi from kasol to Jari which will cost you 2000 rs. if you are planning to come back on the same day.It's expensive but it's worth spending.Taxi will drop you at jari but the route from kasol to Jari is a breathtaking one. As even if you will try your best, you can't sit at one place.it feels like you are having an amusement park ride in a car itself.From Jari it's one hour trek which is quite moderate.Taxi is the only way as no public bus travel towards Malana route as the route is very narrow.

History Behind Malana
If you are planning for a trip to Malana so I personally feel, you should be aware of it's history as it will help you to explore more. As even I had read an article about it's history on the same day before leaving which helped me a lot to start my conversation with Malanese. it's true that Malana is considered as one of the oldest democracy in the world where as the history behind Malana's foundation differs from person to person as everyone shares their different stories. As far as I came across with a fact that this village was under the rule of an evil spirit. After the fight between Devta & Danav, Devta won the battle & that's how Malana's administration was formed. As they have their own rules & regulations which every one is expected to follow.

Rules which are not meant to bo broken
When I entered in Malana, I only knew one rule which my taxi driver had told me that DO NOT TOUCH ANY BELONGINGS OF MALANESE as I started exploring Malana I found rules are written on their temples also where You are not allowed to touch any wall of the temple & if you found guilty then get ready to spend some more money from your pockets as the penalty is 2,500 that's what I managed to read.As I went in, I found a group of men having chillam so I went & started my conversation with them. There was one man who was from U.P but migrated to Malana 16 years back. I belong to Lohar Caste from U.P So he told me that even he belong to the same caste but he told me Do not tell anybody you belong to Lohar (Carpenters) caste as they are not allowed to enter in the village.I have also kept it a secrete only otherwise I will be thrown out of the village. Earlier Malanese were strict about outside visitors but with the growth in Malana's tourism, Malanese are accepting visitors from outside their village. Extremely cautious as they do not believe any outsiders so I found them little bit rude but the reason is only their ancient notions & lack of literacy but with the growing tourism a huge change has been experience in Malana village.

My 1st Encounter with Malanese kids
Ahhhaa, as soon as I entered, a group of kids came towards me & a 12 year old boy with little bit hesitation asked me "Didi maal phukte ho kya, Chahiye toh bolna" I did not have words to say anything as I was in extreme shocked situation.I found that Malana was earlier surviving on different sources of income as they used to use cannabis to make variety of products.later on they came to know about the production of charas out of cannabis that's how Malana cream became the major attraction of tourist from all over the world.Now Malana generates it's major income through Malana cream itself. So one can easily understand the attitude of Malanese kids & women when they openly approach you for Malana cream. It's their tradition to have chillam or you can say it's part of their daily routine where as in Tosh village I only found tourist were having joints not villagers.