That is the number of followers on my Instagram handle.
I know many people who have over 1 million followers, and others who have less than 300. But in the world of travel photography, is popularity on Instagram a measure of talent?
Instagram got popular only in this decade with its filters that make dull and unthoughtful photographs look interesting, while photography is about a 200 year old form of art that requires technique, creativity and talent.
Real Photographers do not rely on Instagram for success. It is their talent and creativity which cannot be matched by the filters on an app.
Here are some photographers who are not on Instagram but their talent speaks:
1. Sohrab Hura

Acclaimed internationally, Sohrab Hura's photographs have found mention in The Guardian and The British Journal of Photography. A member of Magnum Photos, his works have been published by the name Sweet Life. You can see his work here: https://www.magnumphotos.com/arts-culture/art/sohrab-hura-life-is-elsewhere/
2. Dave Morrow

Dave is a full time landscape and night sky photographer who left his aerospace engineering job for the love of photography. His travel and income is funded solely by the website he runs. Visit Dave's website here: https://www.davemorrowphotography.com/
3. Eric Kim

Eric Kim is not only a cultural photographer, but also identifies himself as educational informer. He has created blog posts, ebooks, photos, and videos which are free to share and use. You can see his work here: http://erickimphotography.com/
4. Richard Koci Hernandez

Emmy Award winner, Richard Koci Hernandez has been recognised as one of the 100 best photographers on the web. He has also received Pulitzer nominations for photo-journalism. You can see his work here: http://richardkocihernandez.com/
5. Jay Maisel

Jay Maisel has photographed the likes of Marilyn Munroe, but his personal interest lies in photographing the beauty of mundane and everyday life. Jay's astonishing works can be found here: https://www.jaymaisel.com/
Still checking out your Instagram?!
If you know any other amazing photographers who are not on social media, let the world know about them by commenting below.