"Traveling, is like flirting with life. It's like saying, " I would Stay and Love you, but I have to go; this is my next station". You, just cannot control yourself being at one place, you feel like getting down at every station, meet different people, explore the unseen secrets of the places you are at, and go back with photos as the return ticket from the place as one of the treasured memories which you will cherish for the rest of your life. And, again in the next few days, you'll suffer from the same disease, which can be defined as Fernweh; Yes, I call it as a disease because without working on it you cannot survive life long, your feet will start feeling itchy, they would crave to go out and repeat what they did few days back - i want to explore again, but now at some different station!
"You do not travel if you are afraid of the unknown, you travel for the Unknown"- Quotes like this and many below are one of my inspirations to go ahead and see the world. These beautiful lines make me feel alive and whisper in my ears, very slowly. - Get up girl, live your life because if you haven't done this, then you have not done anything worth it!!
My favorite is, "Every hundred Feet the world changes", hence; I want to travel every hundred feet to see what is changed, want to find out the deepest secrets and want to end it all while lying down on one of the unexplored, new station where I would not be able to flirt with anyone!
Which one is yours (Share in comments ), If any one of this inspire you, get up, tie up the laces, and just go on!!
Explore. Dream. Discover - YOUR WAY
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