You're almost Broke! All the time. But it's bad manners to keep vacations waiting.
The universal category of broke population largely includes the college students. But interestingly, it's the time of life when we're most curious, free and are somehow, ready to see the world and travel. Don't let the empty wallet take away the joy that awaits you in the places you've never seen before.
So, if you're still surviving those years where your life itself is a hack, here are a few practical tips to save money while you're travelling.

1. Invest in a camping gear and go completely non-touristy!
The first tip is not just for these troubled years of your life but it's a rule that real travellers have followed since eternity. Popular tourist activities at any destination always involves a cost which is mostly outrageous. Go camping in the hills instead of going sightseeing with a guide, swim in a river instead of hiring a boat, or watch stars instead of investing in a costly hotel room that fetches nothing.

2. Don't be spoilt, buy a water bottle.
Let's go back in time where the 'essential requirement' of buying packaged drinking water didn't exist. Except for the places uninhabited by human race, you will always find healthy drinking water everywhere. Buy a water bottle and make a small cut in your budget that counts.

3. Always be flexible.
If the expenditure exceeds the budget, always make amends. Be spontaneous and take the smartest possible decision, even if it requires you to change the plan completely. Travel further to the outskirts if the hotels at your desired destination are booked. It's a secret that spontaneously changed plans often promise more thrill than following a rulebook when you travel.

4. Hotel Discounts, you need 'em.
I know, they're out of your budget even after enormous discounts. But the broke squad must remember that the tiresome procedure to follow the hotel deals available online often pays. Sometimes even the five star hotels offer ridiculous discounts for the rooms left vacant.
Click here for a hack: Find My Stay

5. Try hostels, they are only and solely for you.
Most of us have been pampered in the young age where travelling with parents always involved staying at a fancy resort. Burst your bubble yourself now. Check out some of the best hostels in popular travelling destinations where prices are as low as INR 200 for a night. Hostels also allow you to meet interesting new travellers and have a better time on a vacation.
Check out the definitive list of traveller hostel around India.

6. Stalk the travel blogs like you stalk Kardashians.
Read travel blogs and sign up for newsletters. The mails you recieve from the top travel bloggers often contains wisdom. They are long term travellers who are always on a look out for the budget destinations and cheap accommodation opportunities. And, that's exactly what you need.

7. Talk to strangers and locals.
Nobody's offering you poisonous candies unless you're really unlucky. I won't take responsibility of the statement but speaking from experience, you must talk to the locals you meet at a new place. Often they tell you about the offbeat places to visit, newer things to do and a generous family might also offer you free accommodation.

8. Hitchhike. It will be a joyride.
If not now, when? Yes, it involves risk and requires high level of crazy spontaneity but you must give it a shot. Use your judgement well before hitching a ride always. Try it not just because you're broke but if travellers are to be believed it increases their faith in the world and instills positivity.

All gifs have been sourced from giphy.
To step out and explore you need resolve more than money. Stay curious and keep your bags packed all the time.
If you have more tips to add to the list, go to the comment section below and share the secret.
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