Hi guys, I am back with incredible travel experiences, this time from Europe.
So recently I visited two cities, Mostar & Pocitelj of one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, BOSNIA.
Bosnia is a small country holding a painful history. It was a one-day trip, and I started the day by exploring Mostar. My first sightseeing destination was TEKIJA BLAGAJ which is a madrasa & mosque. With traditional Bosnian architecture along with the river, it was very mesmerizing.

After TEKIJA BLAGAJ we went directly to Mostar centre where we roam into the beautiful streets which leads to the very famous "old bridge of Mostar".
We also learned how to make traditional Bosnian Coffee in Café de Alma, a must visit coffee house.

Soon after visiting Mostar, we headed towards Pocitelj, a small town which is still under fortified walls. Here you can see the ruins of old fort, kings palace, watch tower etc. People still live inside this fort, in incredibly beautiful houses. View from the top of Pocitelj is unimaginable. Sharing few amazing pictures of Pocitelj.

Bosnia is a must visit country, it is incredibly beautiful. Thank you reading my blog. Keep traveling...Bubye!!