There is a small town named as 'Purulia' located in 'West Bengal'.
How to reach Purulia?
•There are numerous trains available which reaches the Purulia Junction station.
Now there are many places locared nearby Purulia.
Today, I will be discussing only about 'Ajoddhya Pahar'
■It is a mesmerizing place.
■There is a waterfall located (named as Bamni falls)
■Upper dam, lower dam and much more.
Now, how to reach to this place?
•You can easily book a car.
•There are local buses also available
(If somebody is visiting after reading this blog, do contact me I'll provide numbers and all required stuffs)
Where can you stay in Ajjodhya?
•There are various resorts located, both expensive cheap. So you can easily choose as per you require.
•There are government places also availble but it is generally not available.
●There is a bit network issues.
I have just attached few photos with it, so you all can have a brief idea about that place.
This place is a tribal area basically, but everything is available.
The peak season is December to February so if you are not willing to visit during the peak season, you all can avoid the mentioned months.
If I can add anything more into the blog, you all can definitely comment and let me know.
I've tried to cover the minimal points.