Lately, I was going through my dad's phone gallery and I stumbled upon some of my images from our last family trip. I searched for more images on his gallery and found similar pictures of mine which made me rethink about my travel life.

I was that person with the passion to travel alone and with friends to offbeat destinations and trekkings. But recently I realized I should find time to travel more often with my parents as well. Lately, I found my images of taking photographs with my digital camera on my dad's phone gallery. when I searched for more photos I realized that he had clicked many of my pictures in this similar way even from our previous trips.

And some of the images were really appreciable for spotting the subject, background, symmetry, exposure when talking from a photographers point of view. And I'm sure he is not aware of finding the symmetry of photographs, having a subject for your image, capturing the perfect light and any of the scientific sides of photography. I always wonder how I got interested in photography and creative writing since I don't have any family background of these. None of my family is doing an art-related or any creative profession. But I realized my parent's generation are the people who got carried away with their career and family life. They even forgot to recognize their creative and artistic skills. And I believe its time to make them recognize their creative skills and encourage them. We should travel more often with them. Help them to bring out their creative side. We should make them believe that age is just a number

And when I saw the pictures I asked my dad "how did you manage to get such good clicks without knowing photography" and he said: " you just enjoy, be at the moment and witness the beauty".Yes, that was true. He never bothered about the light, exposure or anything. He just enjoyed snapping pictures. He lived in the moment. Next thing what he said made me rethink my travel life: I like travelling but I love it when I see you travel with me in my protective shield."
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