Meeting Sado Maso is possible with highly discreet online sources


Are you a Sado Maso practitioner searching for a partner? If you are not experienced the search could turn out to be a witch hunt. It is like finding a needle in the haystack the search could be endless without meeting a fruitful conclusion. It is because it is a rare search that belongs to a special category of sexual practices and people who practice it may be few and scattered. Sado Masochism is a trait that is developed at an early stage or it is with people from birth or hereditary. Your chance of meeting sado maso can be fulfilled by dating sites that connect them discreetly.

What is sadomasochism?

It can be described as receiving or giving of pleasure by inflicting or receiving pain or humiliation from the partner. this could be termed as an enhancement of sexual pleasure to the extreme or just a substitute to normal sexual practice. Sexual pleasure is heightened by the infliction of pain, and it can also be argued as a form of showing attachment to the partner. In fact the act of SM is often prompted by the masochist and the inclination is conveyed through subtle emotions by them. Sometimes the masochist directs the entire set of exercise while the sadists act under the masochist’s direction.

The act of sexual aggression should not be confused with consented sadomasochism and moreover the masochist seeks humiliation and pain from the sadist only in the context of love and sex. A SM couple does not do it in other situations and do not harbor unfettered violence or abuse like everyone else. Most people would say it is a psychopathic disorder but in actual fact the sadomasochists are not psychopaths because it is not diagnosable like antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy. It is only detected when a partner inflict great amount of distress or physical impairment to the partner or others.

The SM fantasies are not prevalent in men, who are termed mostly as the aggressors; it is also present in women. However men tend to develop sadistic traits as early as childhood and for an example a child pulling off the legs of an ant, dragon fly or clipping the wings of a butterfly and enjoying the scene with a smile. In the sado maso duo the participant can be purely sadistic and some utterly masochistic and they can be in varying degrees. Some of the SM players describe themselves as switchable as they will do both roles as and when the situation warrants.

Origin of Sadomasochism

The 18th century Marquis de Sade is the founder father of the trait as described by the German psychiatrist Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, in 19 century who largely named men for sadism and women for masochism. Sade author of many books were known for his sadomasochist activities and became legend which obviously turned in to a film named Quills, starting Kate Winslet, Geoffrey Rush and Michael Caine. Despite the origin and its glorification, not many sadomasochists know who the forefather of the SM trait was because they have either inherited it or just developed from an early age. Whether you are a sadist or masochist meeting sado maso is possible through protected websites.