Have You ever tried to listen the Silence, You might be thinking what rubbish I am talking about but its true, Silence has its own sound and that is The sound of Life. Silence gives you the ability to distinguish the sounds and it is then you find that how many vibrant sounds life does have. Just sitting in your tent somewhere in the middle of trees and in the quiescent of night you will find that cicada sounds more melodious than anything playing in a night club or a rock show, Symphony of a Morning rain when it touches petals and leaves and whatever that stop its gravitational drop is canorous than anything that is being broadcasted on your radio or stereo, Evening at a beach with Sonorous Sea Waves is tranquil than the walk with the headphones to avoid the city noise. Deep blue sea, Walk through the woods, whisper of wind, Night at mountains, Stillness of a lake, Long spread meadows, they all have one thing in common i.e. Silence. Silence doesn't mean the lack of sound at a place but it is the divine phenomenon which gives you ability to differentiate all the sounds of that place, Silence is not something which you feel by ears but by heart, its heart where you feel its impact.
Silence fulfill its worth when they say “Silence is a person’s best friend, for it remains behind after the rest has gone”, “A silent man is a wise one” and one of the most common ones, “Silence is golden, talking is silver”.
The melody of silence, enhanced by the nature gives the spiritual calm to heart and the ambiance use to be so divine that we can whisper to ourselves and our Maker. The whisper is audible to the heart alone. It is a state of serenity, feeling of fullness Or a nothingness both together
And if you are seeking such silence Isha Foundation yog centre, Coimbatore is a perfect place to find it. Isha yog centre is a 30km drive from coimbatore and it is an exquisite and tranquil place to spent time. Entering the foundation campus one can get enthralled only with a glimpse of Gigantic statue of Lord shiva (Adiyogi Statue) standing 112 Feet tall in a beautiful podium amid the beautiful meadows and surrounded by velliangiri hills and other (during monsoon, hills are captivating with a number of waterfalls and mist).
From Adiyogi statue you can walk or get a bullock cart for Dhyanlinga meditation centre which is merely 1000mtrs from it. Campus is an amazing place with beautiful architecture, spell binding crafts and Sculptures like Linga bhairavi, Dhyanlinga etc, small ponds, lotus water lilies and other flowers, coconut, beetel and tamarind trees draping the lush green hills and all this grouped together in a charming Tableau.
There is a yoga center inside the campus, a theerthakundam(water pool) where you can take a dip before going to dhyanlinga temple, bhairavi Linga (fire of feminine) where you can meditate with canorous hymn and chants and a large ellipsoidal dome for meditation which covers the sanctom sanatorium, a 13ft high dhyaan lingum which is considered to be the source of energy for the meditation.Podium of lingum is submurged in water and many a lotus float in it.
Beautiful lamps and the aroma makes the ambience Divine.
For me this place is one of those places where you can rove for hours and still you will not get tired and you can also sit somewhere for hours and still you will not get bored(even when elctronics gadgets are prohibited).