Make your travel full of memories, not full of filters!!

Photo of Make your travel full of memories, not full of filters!! by deepti ratnam

Modern traveling is not traveling at all; it is merely being sent to a place and very little different from becoming a parcel.

-John Ruskin

In today's world, Instagram has become a terrific place to inspire people to travel. But are they the real depiction of what exactly the traveling is? Truth to be told, sometimes I feel people has started delivering fakeness of their traveling on Instagram. Although, even I am fond of traveling and I frequently post pictures of places I have been on Instagram.

But how can you call your journey to a place is a real one when you are applying all the editing tools in your pictures and just posting it for the sake of increasing followers on your account. The excitement and hysteria that you are undergoing while witnessing something is extremely unbelievable and can never be sketched in your pictures. All those feelings of astonishment and bewilderment are all instant; You might lose the pictures but your memories can never lose the excitement that you had while venturing to an unexplored destination.

For a wanderer, there's nothing more excited than having bags packed and then leave for a next adventure. The adventure that's not planned, projected and will bring lots of unimaginable experience for you.

So, how you are going to self-discover your inner strength? Sitting idle at home, working in 9 to 6 shifts, or by keeping yourself busy in daily mundane activities? May be traveling is the best answers to all these questions. Because then only you will be able to find out the real purpose of your existence. Travelling will unblock your all SIX SENSES. Yes, out of all the senses, your sixth sense is your extrasensory perception that enables you to see your unseen capabilities. No doubt! When you decide to travel, there will be several thoughts and feelings that will stop you to take the only adventure you need to seek. But what will make you stand disparate from others will be your decision of traversing the whole world alone. Engulf your fear, and don't open your eyes to see the world; Close it to feel it! Close your eyes to dive into the beauty of a place you haven't encountered yet!

There are times when you are stuck between your life's mess and societal burden. You try to find the real purpose of your life but the questions are left unanswerable. And you are in an urgent need of skipping your mundane life. There enters the thought of travelling. When you decide to leave your hometown and venture into an unexplored place, you revive your inner self. You rediscover your passion. Self-discovery is the most important thing that a person needs to seek. You will only discover your real self when you will conquer your fears of being alone. Alone in an alien world, culture, language, and traditions. But one thing that unites you with that alien world is your vehemence of exploring it.

And as Aristotle said-

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

So make your travel full of life, not full of filters. There's nothing about being good at traveling; Its natural and it comes within yourself. So make yourself a travel freak and not a travel treat!