First thing first.. I just couldn't get enough of this place! And so I was busier relishing it than clicking it. I hope the pictures I post here suffice what I saw.
Damn! This place is beautiful in an obvious kind of way. And unlike most parts of Konkan, it can give you it's best with clear skies, still water and mirror like reflectionsI was able to walk on this edge as it was just post Rainy and the water had settled down.
Only learnt about this place a few years ago inspite of traveling to Sawantwadi for over 25 years now.
The dam is just outside of Sawantwadi approx 7kms towards Amboli.
As you park your car at the last accessible point, you will need to walk a distance by this amazing view of the lake upto the dam. Its a straight ridge kind of walk.
Locals say that the upper part of the dam is crocodile infested.. A rare sight though. So no matter how tempting, do not take a dip there.
The lower part of the Dam is where you can actually let yourself in the water. It is accessible by stairs all the way to the other end of this Dam or a rocky patch from right where this is shot.
Once we had quenched our sight with these lovely views, we headed straight downstairs in the water. What followed was hours of splish splash with absolutely no track of time.
What could have really added to the already perfect day was a cutting Chai and Pakodas!
Only, there were no food stalls around and since we were already aware of it, we did carry our 'precious' with us. I suggest you plan accordingly too. No regret of missing Pakodas as they were replaced by Malwani Chicken.

So we spent the entire morning here in awe, praising, posing, getting drenched followed by a little lunch picnic under the coconut trees. ❤
Now that you know of this place, visit soon and pass it on!
Dam This Place!
PC : All the pictures are clicked by my sister, Priti Samant