Little things that travel has taught me


If you ask me what is that thing that influences me more than anything? The answer is Travelling. Adventures and explorations are the best way to learn about the amazing world that we live in. Rather than sit in a classroom and learn about the world through someone else’s eyes, I did it through adventures and misadventures. There is still so much to discover, but here are some lessons that I had to learn. Some of them I already knew, some are silly, some are serious, some are obvious, and some are embarrassing. Maybe this collection will help you to make your travel experience much more memorable. Happy travels!

1. Travel is about the journey, not the destination. The destination is only the means for the journey to begin.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 1/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

It doesn't matter if you are not visiting any popular tourist attraction or the places which are on every one's itinerary as far as you get the joy of travelling even after visiting some unexplored destination.

2. Walking is the best way to explore a new city.

I spend my weekends by exploring new streets of the city each time. I prefer travelling in public transportation medium and walking is the best way to find some extra ordinary places that is ignored by most of the people in their daily routine.

3. What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.

Each adventure or misadventure is going to teach you some important lessons in life. Do not afraid to try new things and seek for new experiences.

4. If you can’t pick up your bag, you probably packed too much shit.

Pack light and travel happier. Do not carry unnecessary stuffs while travelling. It is irritating to have so many things with you and carry them wherever you go.

5. Google doesn’t know everything. But it can be your smart travel guide when needed.

Technology is blessing if used properly. Try to learn use of google map, other online sources available for getting information about the places but, never rely on them completely.

6. Learn how to bargain. Shopping is no fun without bargaining.

Being a Gujju I have this talent in my veins.

7. Your whole life can change in a month, but your hometown will be just as you left it.

And it feels great to come to the place where the roads, streets, faces everything looks familiar.

8. Your friends are not inspired by your travels as they are envy of you.

9. No matter how many you see, never stop appreciating sunsets. The best moments I've ever had is when I was with friends and we used to sit till the sun set.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 2/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

I am blessed to have experienced some of the best sunsets at most amazing places.

10. At least attempt to learn the local language. “Hello!” and “Thank you!” will get you farther than you think.

11. Learn how to wash your own clothes. “Daag ache nahi hai."

12. "It’s fun to have an art to make new friends. For example: playing any games, fire dancing, perfecting a card trick, etc. You have the time, learn how to do something!

13. Beware of monkeys. Never trust on them.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 3/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

14. Always write and photograph while your journey: years from now you will be so happy you blogged and captured those beautiful moments of your life.

That's why I am sharing my stories on Tripoto with you all amazing people out there.

15. Invest in a comfortable pair of sandals, stylish durable shoes.

16. Bored? Watch people. It’s really fun. Make stories about strangers.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 4/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

17. It’s a small little world.

18. Food poisoning sucks but never compromise with taste.

19. Respect the elder wherever you are. Be kind and humble to others.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 5/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

20. Not all who wander are lost.

21. Call your parents just enough so they don’t worry, no matter how old you are, they are still your parents. My mom always complain about it when I go for a trip.

22. Trust your instincts. Be smart. Over confidence? never.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 6/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

23. Adventure is good but don’t act like a fool. Stay safe.

24. Cards will give you hours of entertainment and help you make friends.

25. Talking with other travelers will teach you more than checking government websites. “Puchney me kya jata hai?’’

26. Ask before you take pictures of people.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 7/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)
Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 8/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)
Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 9/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)
Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 10/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

27. Eat less things that come in plastic packaging and more things that grow on trees. My favourite is “Santra”.

28. Don’t just rely on GPS for road trips. Sometimes the old fashioned way is better. “This way or that way?”

29. Always carry Mini sewing kit. Scissor, knife, shaving kit.

30. Keep calm. Just because you can’t post about it online does not make it less real.

31. Respect the local culture. Follow rules properly. You are a guest.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 11/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

32. Riding camels is AWESOME! Chakda ride…amm…Hell yeah! Use public transportation. You will find many interesting people around you.

Photo of Little things that travel has taught me 12/12 by Umang Dave (IG: @umangdavevisual)

There are always more mistakes to be made, more lessons to learn, more adventure to be had, and more sunsets to watch. If there is a way to travel without making mistakes, learning lessons, having adventures, and watching sunsets, then I don’t want to do it.

Enough of lessons now. Go out, be adventurous, explore. Because YOLO,  “You Only Live Once”.