You can reach to Nathatop by Train or Bus , The Nearest Railway station is Udhampur , from where you can get a Taxi to Patnitop and Nathatop. There are plenty of options to stay at Patnitop ranging from Rs 1500-10000.
Nearest Airport is Jammu , From where it is around 3-4 hours drive to Patnitop.
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](
![Photo of Patnitop by Mohit Singh Arora](