This is one of the best shuttle journeys and trekking I ever had in my life, previous day of the trip our favorite lecturers Mr. Raja sundaram(Hindi), Mr.Hemanth Kumar(English), and Mr.Amruth(physical education) had informed us how we have to prepare for this shuttle journey and trekking , at what time should be at the spot and other stuffs. We were very much excited about the trekking and planned few things and eagerly waited for the morning dawn

Dawn brought cool air and dense fog, we started at 7 in the morning, all got on to the bus and shouted, yelled and enjoyed as if the bus is our own one, got down from the bus and, we had to walk around 5 KM’s to reach Kote betta, everyone started to walk with some fun talk and we were walking below the beautiful canopy of trees and beautiful stream in between the forest, this walk before the start of trekking was kind of warm up to everyone.

Finally we reached the starting point of the trekking, once again our lecturers asked us to be careful and to be together. Cool breeze, fresh air, complete greenery made us feel fresh and active though we were exhausted, we clicked few pictures in-between the trek, and every step and every moment of trekking was a new experience to us, once we reached there we found a temple and a beautiful pond, few told us that ram and seethe had stayed there, few meters away from there we found a huge footstep on a rock and people told that was bheem’s.

We had already bought some food which we had in the peak of the mountain, we had all fun talks and pulling one others legs and taunting couples. After finishing lunch including our lecturers we all played kabadi which wasn’t pro kabadi but that was a fun kabadi, few did commentary, few played and there were cheer girls too, few were playing hide and seek, everyone were enjoying in their own way mean while when we were playing one of our friend named Shiva was about to fall off from peak but no one noticed expect we who were playing there, that situation brought anxiety on few of them and laugher on others face.

We felt this day shouldn’t end because this was one of the happiest moments we ever had but can’t help we have to move on finally we started to get down from the peak, mean while few stone downed their names on the rock, few couples scribbled their first letters of their names with heart shaped drawing and finally got down from the peak.

On way back to bus stop we saw few orange trees and other fruit trees and we guys planned to pluck the fruits and we did pluck and shared the fruits to everyone. After few minutes bus came and all boarded to bus and got down in their stops, there was a complete silence while we were way back to home, I don’t know exactly why that silence was there but I suppose everyone were thinking of that whole and missing those moments.

Stating the obvious, this was one of the best memories in my life. I couldn’t pen down these moments at that time but I still remember those moments.
Kote betta gave us a beautiful experience and thought us a lesson that no university or school can teach that is happiness and finding ourselves.