The Ghats of Kolkata: Looking beyond the oblivion

The Ghats of Kolkata always have a story to tell. Frame it your own way. What do you see when you are in any of the Ghats of Kolkata be it the PrincepGhat, the BabuGhat, the AhritolaGhat, the MaayerGhat, or any other?

With the winds seeping into your veins, and the smaller waves of the river Hooghly touching your feet, you can find the ‘khalasi’ returning to the shore, and tying up his boat. He is not tired. His eyes are glittering. He has survived another day, and now he can go home to see his family waiting for him. There lies a story. A story beyond the oblivion.
You walk up the steps and find another story. “lebu chaa…Lebu chaa”, “ghoti gorom nebe? Ghotigorom..” The hawkers trying to sell you the little they have made. The price is minimal. But, if you look beyond the oblivion, there is a pleasure in having that ‘lebu cha‘ with ‘ghoti gorom’, and enjoying the lovely evening. That is how the city seeks to cherish everything that it has.

Then, there are men and women bathing in the river. Once they are done, they would look into the sky, with eyes closed and palms together. You might think the person is praying. Maybe yes, perhaps not. Look beyond the oblivion, maybe the person is just trying to get rid of some guilt.

You can hear some guitars playing by the side, and some groups of teenagers singing songs very loud. They are enjoying the evening. But why are they singing so loud? Maybe, they are tired of the obligations and limitations and want to break free from the dungeons of this universe. Alas! They have very little time to dream about it and have to return home as soon as possible

While traveling back, you would definitely come across a line of idols being made. Some are completed already, and some still undone. You may click a few pictures out of fascination. But, the beauty of it lies in the efforts that made it a whole.
To come back to the Ghats where it all began, frame the stories yourself. Look beyond the oblivion