When 60% of the human body is composed of water; it is a definitive fact that water is an indispensable life force. Ensuring that the body has a ready supply of water aids with organ function, is integral for digestive health and promotes skin, hair and nail health.
Not drinking enough water; causes dehydration which in turn leads to symptoms such as bad breath, fatigue, dizziness, heat stroke and even fainting spells.
For most; all of the above is common knowledge which is why we are careful about ensuring that our bodies get enough water on a daily basis. However, the need to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated is often ignored or forgotten during long journeys and extensive travel.
Ensuring you have enough clean and fresh drinking water; preferably from UV water purifiers is not a difficult task. At times you will have ready access to purified and filtered water, and at times you will have to carry your own. However, these suggestions and tips on how to keep yourself hydrated while traveling is sure to help.
Railway Travel
While traveling on a train; it is imperative to carry UV purifier water of your own and replenish with safe bottled water as and when needed. It is an unfortunate fact that many railway stations cannot guarantee a free flow of filtered and purified drinking water and to avoid dehydration carrying your own is imperative. The duration of your journey largely determines how much water you need to take and purchase. However, leave no stone unturned to remain hydrated throughout your trip. When long train journeys result in fatigue and dizziness; it is often attributed to dehydration. Just in case you are prone to motion sickness; be sure to take small sips of water within short breaks. Drinking excess water at one time can aggravate the issue.
Car and Bus Travel
If you are on a long journey in a car or a bus; staying hydrated is just as important as during railway travel and having your supply of water remains imperative. During your journey; drink the usual amount of water that you drink on a daily basis but adjust your intake according to the bathroom breaks that you are sure to need. It's best to source your travel supply of water from your UV water purifiers at home; as you may or may not have access to bottled drinking water for sale along the way.
Air Travel
While traveling by flight; you do not need to carry water of your own. However, you do need to remind yourself to stay properly hydrated. It’s not unusual to forget our daily hydration routine while in an unusual environment as one would find themselves in on a flight. Hence; make a mental note to get plenty of water intake.
Beverages to Avoid
Carbonated beverages, colas, processed sugary drinks, coffee, and tea, are popular beverages but are by no means substitutes for water. These beverages often have a diuretic effect which means that they lead to increased urination which in turns leads to dehydration.
Special mention must be made of coffee and tea which are known for the alkaline compound caffeine. Caffeine is known to be a rather mild diuretic which leads to increased urination. While caffeine intake alone doesn’t lead to dehydration; decreased water intake and increased caffeine intake can have that effect. Hence; it makes sense to decrease your caffeine intake during long flights and increase your water intake.
Many flights also serve alcohol, and this is another factor for concern when you wish to stay hydrated during extended travel. Alcohol has a substantial diuretic effect which is pronounced when water intake is insufficient. Avoid alcohol altogether or drink in moderation on long flights. However, do not forget to replenish with drinking water whether or not you choose to drink alcohol.
Additional Information
Listed below are additional facts that will serve you well; even as wish to remain hydrated during long travel.
• Feeling thirsty is indicative of the fact that you are already mildly dehydrated. Hence; do not wait to feel thirsty before drinking water during extended travel.
• Even short journeys from work to home or vice-versa require you to stay hydrated. If you travel by public transportation and especially during the summer months; a short commute to work can leave you fatigued. This is often due to dehydration brought on by heat.
In conclusion; staying hydrated during travel will ensure that you have the energy reserves to successfully complete your journey.