Kadana dam : We love sunsets...

So this was the second place on the day of Holi. We went to Kadana Dam. We wanted to explore Ghodiyar village and Nadinath hills more but we didn't want to miss sunset also..

We sat at the river bank for some time... just sat silently, watched birds, threw pebbles in the river, and enjoyed the silence with ourselves. The calm water of the river was calming our minds and our souls. Just a little ahead of us a small boy came there with his goats, talking with them, letting them drink water from the river, and enjoying his work peacefully...

We went to Kadana Dam viewpoint after that. There are two sites. One in dam per se and one is Dam viewpoint. You have to take the right turn from the Shri Hari restaurant and go uphill. From this viewpoint, you can see the most mesmerizing sunset... there is another Shivaji temple at the top of the hill. usually, people go up there but we didn't go to the top point but just before that we found one amazing spot with just four of us...

It was like just four of us, glistening water of Mahi, a lonely boat far ahead just looking like a tiny dot, the vastness of the sky, the beautiful colors of the sunset, and the shining supermoon rising slowly just behind us...few moments in your life you will never forget and these moments are just like those for us...

So that was a perfect Sunday for us... from a morning trip to Bakor to an evening trip to Kadana...
To conclude, our soul was feeling the same just like the quote of my favorite author..."For every time I see the sky I am aware of belonging to the universe rather than to just one corner of the earth."- Ruskin Bond. And this is what I wrote after this amazing sunset and moonrise...
Whatever you say
Whatever you see
It makes things complete
It makes life complete
First thing that
Comes to my mind
The sun
Shining brightly and eternally
Without fail...
He doesn’t wait for anybody
He comes and he goes
Just like our circle...
Still, we find time
To see those dreamy events
Because those moments are
The momentum of this circle
We all admire the crescent moon
Gibbous moon steals our heart
When do you feel contempt
Like there is no other way around
The full moon
The moon spreading its light
So calmly into us
Seeking in our body and
Enlightening our every cell
Giving us the energy to fight for
Another month
Fight of survival
Circle of mother’s bindi
On the mirrors
Of bathroom and dressing
Clean mirrors without them
Can show a nice and good image
But what is nice and good
Without heartwarming emotion in them?
They make the mirror complete
They join us with her smile
With her memories...
A first circle drawn by my kids
I didn’t know you were supposed to draw
From left to right
Or the right to left
School taught them that
But with me
It was just balls and bindis
And poori and luchis
Maa said every girl should
Learn to make Roti
That is round
I thought why?
Why is that so?
Now I understand
It’s not roti that should be round
It’s her nature...
To keep balance...
To keep motion...
No Matter what happens
To her family
To herself
She should always come around
Just like this roti
It was her way of telling me
You can do anything
You will do any impossible thing
Just keep going
Just like a circle...
So you see
We love all circles
Be it roti or poori
Mother’s dreamy bindi
The sun and the moon
Circle of Raza’s paintings
To circle of
Captain America’s shield
Because all circles
Are you and me
Bindu. Dot. Spot
It doesn’t start
It doesn’t end
It’s eternal
Just like us...
It’s our consciousness
It’s our conscience
It is our energy
Because of it, there is harmony
Let’s celebrate the circle
Big like sun
Or small like dot
Because it is endless...
- Kajal
Kadana dam viewpoint - https://goo.gl/maps/RyQuPWPRHiizoKuVA - we sat here
Kadana nadinath lord shiva temple - https://goo.gl/maps/7FWoM8Nbjs5aPg9q9