We started our day at 8.30am we quickly had a discussion n check on our bikes and refilled fuel for bikes. We had a breakfast at a small hotel which was yummie and pocket friendly
Now we where all excited to start our ride through the curves n amazed with d natures landscape, by the time we reached the peak it was around 12 pm n now we decided to head towards agaya gangai water falls to witness the majestic water fall, for which we had to take 1020 steps to reach the falls and it was definitely a jaw dropping view n we enjoyed admiring it. Once we where done with d falls the actual task began we had to climb up 1020 steps which made us really tiring n exchausted for each one us, this made us to think let's get down from the hills n go to d hotel n rest for while n head back towards Bangalore asap, since everyone had to bounce back to their work on Monday again . But kolli hills had a different plan for us we lost our way while coming down, we took a wrong and long route of 60km to rasipuram. It took easily one and half hour for us to reach our hotel n we immediately got freshed up n started our journey towards Bangalore so that we get enough sleep to start our Monday fresh.
We completed our whole journey within 48 hours.
Overall kolli hills ride gave us more confident n riding skills.
I could say its a must visit place for bikers😇 with good biking gears!!

Hello folks!! As usual we where wanting to go for a long drive on our weekend 🏞️ so we choose to drive to kolli hills with my bunch of pals in motorbikes. We where 6 in a group so we had 3 bikes, Mahindra mojo, jawa, bajaj dominor. All 3 where modern cruisers. We started Bangalore around 3.30 from nagarbhavi and headed towards nice road n to avoid traffic n reach hosur asap, after krishnagiri the road was great which helped as to cruise our machines with just two breaks. Post we reached Rasi puaram around 7.pm we decided to look for a hotel to stay, n we found shathi in which was a decent hotel with restaurant attached.
We quickly got freshed up n decided to hog food n crash on our beds.
My fellow mates where: lenin, dilip, kiran, satish and manjula👬👫🌅🌨️🌄🌴