Penetrating Myanmar via Friendhsip road is not some type of routeine involvement.
Friendhsip road connects all the way from Moreh (Last town of Manipur (Indian State)) to Tamu(Myanmar) and goes up to Kalemyo-Kalewa.
“Movement of the two wheelers restricted to within borders” , Not surprising though as defense has to
abide by some protocols and code of conduct. Breach of security and our safety was cited as justification.
“What I can give is not necessary what you will get but along our disagreements we will find some alternate ways”
Not Sure how much this quote fits over here for the reader but belive me it did.
Disappointed but not discouraged several requests were made to the officers in charge along with some random chitchat ,ended up in favourable response.
Bikes were allowed after they are registered carefully in the checkpost databse. By this time all three of us were thorougly scanned by every inchage over there.

The challenge though was not restricted to our side of the border , Personnals at Myanmar has their own set of detailed concerns to address. Ths time i let the other guy XYZ showcase his skills .turned right and observed one officer who was approaching me from distant from an office seemingly used for surveillance .By all means showing his loyalty towards hospitality he offered a special type of Beetel , filled with sligh pinch of tobacco , which in no seconds salivated the mouth. Every bit and piece of Friendship road seems magnificent.

Thankfully Hospitality reached a step ahead and we were asked
to park our bikes aside and catch hold of their scooters(Myanmar registered) on a friendly note and march ahead towards Tamu.
Typical local Scooters having breaks on left and gears on right reminds me of the enfields we used to have in past sharing similar patterns.
Water festival was on on its all high
(Similar kind of festival is celebrated on wide scale in INDIA known as Holi – Only difference colours are also heavily mixed in it).
Both side of road occupied by locals randomly throwing water on everyone who passes through and we were no different.
Sharing the same chemistry as in “He who gets drenched at dawn has the rest of the day to dry out” , saving oneself would have been foolish.
Such was the demeanour that we do looped the circuit couple of times with sole intention of getting lost in cool atmosphere.

“One of the biggest pluses of being a traveler is meeting the local people as neighbors, not as a “tourist.” Celebration was on peak, selling of beer cans and beetels paraphrased it more. An enormous amplifier cum speaker setup was placed in a van stimulating locals to groove on some sorts of rock and roll music

Couple of guitarist , plucking the cords was stylishly sensory.
Clicking selfies amidst all this with young college chaps was blood boosting.
The local Cigars , Cheroot was very hard , no bluffing here.
Respecting the ones who consider currency collection as hobby , kept Burmese kyat as memoir

A lady on her late forties , din’t hesitate to offered some fresh roses from her basket uttering something in Burmese.

For all one knows she prayed for peace , prosperity and Tranquillity across the universe.
The conclusion has never been so wonderful.
PS :-
Tamu :- Small town In Myanmar /Burma.
Reachable Form Moreh (Last town in Manipur – INDIA) Via Friendship road.
Must Try :- Water Festival , Beetles, Cheroot (Local Cigar ), Local Beer , Hospitality.