There is a lockdown almost everywhere in the world and it is not at all safe to travel. Its been quite a long time and not going anywhere and being stuck at home is now little frustrating. So, I have my full time Job and I still try and manage my travels every now and then and now that we all are home and it is not recommended to go outside but we still want to travel so I came up with these ways.
1. Making A Bucket List
I am sure we all have a bucket list, but if you dont then start with making a bucket list. Scrolling through social media will give you a lot of options and also the glimpse of the places.

2. Save and Make use of Social Media
Do you know Instagram has this 'Save' tab and like that many apps have. So as per your bucket list start saving the locations, places, pictures, food everything you come across with. You can also make different collection, boards, lists of your saved images. Use Instagram, Pinterest, Tripoto and such apps which you may already use.

3. Google Maps
You know, you can also save places on google maps. I usually do this a lot. Once I see all the places I like from above, then I go to google maps and put on the map to see how far are places from each other and how can I plan my day, days or weeks in particular place.

4. Make a diary or book just for your travel plans
Take a book or a diary and list down all the places you are willing to visit sometime in future. Keep a page or two extra to add things in future may be or at the time of actual travel. Make it interesting by using colors, prioritizing places and things.

5. Practice photography
Yeah right, we can practice and make ourselves a better photographer. Learn some basics of photography and practice at home with any objects. Sit in the balcony or window and click. Take self timer shots, try some flatlay photography, try and match the tones. Learn from online classes.

6. Uplift your editing game
Learn how to edit photos on your own. Believe me sometime a little bit editing can make your make your photo look absolutely amazing. Explore software like Snapseed, Lightroom, VSCO. Like we don't always have favorable climate, light, angle and time to try things when we travel and we can't wait for that too, so in such times editing a photo will be a lot of help.

This is what I am doing in my free time. Editing my old photos and creating some new pictures at home. Also I have done with 3-4 itineraries. If there is something else which I might have missed let me know. I will try that too!