Since I receive daily queries regarding how I had clicked star trails while travelling. Here I am trying to make an easy format for all of you. Hope you will understand it, If still you guys have any queries, do let me know, will try to help :)
How I understood to make a Star Trails.....
1.) Any Camera which can give you Manual control
2.) A good Tripod
3.) Now search for the place where you can find almost no light pollution in night.
4.) Try this first in New moon time when stars are most visible. You will surely get some results. Then try the same in Lunar phases. Having Moon by your side you will have this blue sky effect as you see in this picture. Yes it is a challenging task as well.
5.) I personally feel foreground and your Subject is THE most important factor in creating Star Trails. Taking shot of sky is o.k for beginners but later you need to frame and compose well.
6.) Many camera have inbuilt function of clicking time interval shots. If your camera do not have that function than purchase external remote for it. It work well. OR tape the shutter button . it will work too...
7.) Keep shutter speed at 30 seconds. Click shots without any interval of time in between. (though a gap of 1-2 seconds can be done). Click minimum 50-60 shots and maximum as much you can. Yes it is time taking process. Bring friend with you so you won't get bored :P. Food, drinks, chai, coffee everything is allowed while your camera do the work.
8.) You can bring torch or other external light to keep your subject brightened (if there is not light). Keep F no. around 5.6 - 7.1 or more (I normally shot in them) so it give more depth of field which give you more clearity. Focus to infinity. ISO not more than 800 or your photo is going be bit grainy / noisy. Though some camera can afford more ISO. But still try to get picture in Low ISO. Clicking under low ISO is bit a challenge but surely have a sweet results.
9.) Click images in raw so you can do little bit changes in exposures in post processing if you missed something.
10.) Stack your images in Star Stax 0.71 software (It is a free of cost software) and very easy to use.
11.) If you want a circle as you guys must have saw in many photos, then you need to find Pole star. Since Pole star did not get affected from the rotation of earth, hence it remain at its place, while other stars seems to revolve it (as earth rotate)
By any means your camera should not shake. Stay away from it when everything is set. Even one shot shaken can destroy your all shots.
If anything I missed here... let me know... and do click, experiment on it.
Following are few images that I clicked so far.