The trip was all set. Turkey and Greece. Istanbul, Cappadocia, Athens, Meteora and Santorini. Dates were 11-24 May. We started our bookings from December 2018. 5 months of travel planning, ticket bookings, itinerary trials, forum searches, you name it I have done it.
April 19, 2019. It was a holiday and I was lazing at home. I wish I was just lazing but I did some weird dance aerobics style stuff watching a YouTube video and snap, I broke my foot. Doctor confirmed it as fracture and my leg will be in a cast for 6 weeks. I will be traveling in the next 3 weeks damn.
Cancellation was not an option so off I went, hobbling, grimacing and holding husband, my walking stick that he was throughout the trip. I arrived in Istanbul and posed to glory like this.

Travel had just begun. Now for those who have been to Europe know how much walking it involves. I walked for about 7-8 kms on an average per day with that leg. I admit, it was not easy. The places I chose unfortunately had very less plain roads.
I had to walk on sloping roads. Climbing up with gritted teeth and clinging onto dear husband, climbing down balancing my leg carefully again clinging on to dearest husband, boy I must have been a sight.
I couldn't walk for more than 15 minutes without having to sit down for 5 minutes. It was awesome that only husband and I took this trip without any friends. We used to go out in the morning, roam, have lunch, come back to room and nap where my leg would repair itself for like 3 hours and go out in the evening again.
We covered Istanbul highlights in 3 days and it is a lovely city. I just wish Sultanahmet had plain roads lol.

We then went to Capadoccia where sadly our hot air balloon ride got cancelled because of weather. We had a fab time nevertheless and I actually braved my way into underground city and a nature walk (patting myself on the back).

From there, we went to Athens and then Meteora. I didn't do the 400 step journey to monasteries because despite the heroine I'm trying to be, I'm not.

From Athens, we hopped on the flight to reach Santorini, the island on my bucket list. All my leg pain evaporated after seeing the view from our hotel.

It was mostly leisure in Santorini but again walking the streets was not easy.
Throughout the tour, random people sympathised and empathised with me. I felt super happy when a lady of my grandmom's age actually tapped me on my arm and asked if I'm doing okay as I was struggling on the steps leading to Acropolis. God bless her.
Travelling with this broken leg made me break ice and have conversations with people. People spoke, understood me, helped me and if not anything, just acknowledged me. It felt heartwarming.
This travel would definitely would not have been possible without my husband. He dragged me, pulled me, pushed me, tolerated me without a word of compliant. So this whole broken leg saga is dedicated to him!