Himalayas, known as abode of snow, sheltered my soul with immense positivity, love and radiance, during the week long kedarkantha trek.
Starting off my journey anxious of the trekking atmosphere, I prayed to be protected by the universe and create enchanting bonds in the lap of serenity. I was fortunate to be blessed with unbelievably affectionate folks, who I prefer to say, Family. Loaded with personal blocks of inhibitions, once united in the river of insanity, the tribe gelled in the hue of Oneness. Emotions just rolled out into open as if little toddler woke up from deep sleep, seeking to start afresh towards new beginnings fearlessly.

There was an attraction in being strangers at first. We delved into different modes of ice breaking. It came to a realization that we all are time travelers intersecting at this point, which is meant to be the origin of new stirring tales. Passage of time gave us a space to be happiest in our place. What mattered to me was the moment at hand, living with my heart pounding with exhilaration. It was still life. Amidst mellow vibes, peace secured it's safe zone. It need not be spoken about. Feelings themselves were vocal in outpour. I felt immediate association with Himalayan range. It was a call to action for looking into the ultimate purpose of each life. What we are now, must be in sync with what we are meant for in the cosmos. I am an instrument, and my mission is progressive integrity. It was like an ancient chronicle speaking for itself.
There was an assembly of feelings, when we were walking on the snow trail in the starry moonlight between snow valleys and Himalayan peaks, during midnight. Magic is for real. Those hours were magnet of enticing grace, charm of our existence and a spell of alchemy. There was a fulfillment in the trek like no other. Cold waves passed through us in base camp, which heightened our chill. Shackling our safe haven, we tip toed the inches of the trail. There was an unconditional bliss on the way. There is no one single definition. Each interpretation is a different language.
Cozy nights in blankets, drilling to know each other were another thrill. Waking up to a magnificently striking landscape was a dream come true. Living a city life, it's hard to take in the wondrous scenery instantly. When it settled inside, life felt perfect. My soul was open to the enormous possibilities at my footsteps. I knew that I am tiny little in front of the astronomical Himalayas. Still, It strengthened me to pursue the expedition. Not only that, I was constantly tested to push my limits. I have cherished each of that second. Such moments vanish in blink of an eye. I breathed in the purity of Himalayas. It's untouched. It's a treasure of eternity. It was glorious. It was a feat for me, having the privilege to explore the majestic Himalayas.

Trekking over the rising altitude with gorgeous backdrop, it was a happening fantasy. Singing, dancing to beats, stepping ahead with happiness, friends all around, ones who care, it was something penetrating and striking the chords of the heart. We were connected with the thread of love. A colorful palette splashed it's shades into our lives.
That euphoria was different. Embracing each person for who they were. Silence was a legit conversation. Each encounter was a tranquil state. We suddenly started clicking with companions on a miraculous level. That is a glue of solid bonds.
Promises made therein are divine. Cuddling in the warm hug beneath the shining full moon musical night, that was so passionate. It moved the entire setting into ardent tenderness. Aftermath sleep was earnestly complete. Exploring village life among mountains was an adventure in itself. Nearby locations were full of imaginary beauty.
Walking in the forest trail was just alluring. I meditated in that state, absorbing the natural ambience into myself. It was a breeze of awakening. I was wrapped in harmony. It was a place for thick expressions. Our home stay was just another home with another set of caring parents, who loved us delightfully. Being there was a feeling of unity. Sharing smiles, comedy nights, personal stories were sublime. We were not concerned with any extrinsic world. We were complete together. Time is precious, each life is priceless, memories are valuable and such vacations are exquisite, that was our spirit of living.

Angelic powers could be felt in the temple premises, where playful clouds were our messengers. Purity of the place is evident in the beautiful hearts of the people there. Tuned to the melodic impression, frolic mood made it's way for amusing games and soulful hug.
Tapping into spaces of people, love was a mutual feeling shared. Happiness was at cloud nine. Trekking towards Yamuna river passing through village life was a lively perspective. Being on the rocks at the edge of the valleys, risk became a way of life. We were in the captivation of ravishing views. A week was about to be over, sensation of nostalgia was already in the mind. I wanted to live that time to the best of my spirit. It was life in it's diverse outlines.
Packing to return was painful. It was not just stuffs that was to be packed, but the emotions, happiness, moments, new friendships to be taken for lifetime. There were both glee and gloom in that time. Bidding goodbye to the home of Himalayas. I knew there was a call to live for a while, before leaving. I wish I could. But life carries on. We arrived, made memories, shared emotions, became ecstatic friends, family, and now leaving for our own lives.

Himalayas is residing in me, when it is as pure as any soul. It made me close to every feeling that I have ever felt. Love is a giveaway. Life is majestic. I have taken back joyful lessons, living in the abode of magnificence.